- 대한건축학회지 v.10 no.6 각형강관기둥-H형강보 접합부의 항복하중 예측모델에 관한 연구 김욱선;이장춘;박순규;이종석;권영봉
- 서울대학교 박사학위 논문 반강결 경량형강 뼈대구조물의 비선형 구조해석 모델개발 김한중
- 한국농공학회지 v.39 no.6 경량형강 농업시설물의 비선형 구조해석 모델개발 (Ⅰ) 김한중;이정재
- 대한건축학회지 v.11 no.10 반강절골조의 비선형 지진해석에 관한 연구 신경재
- Comp. & Struc. v.52 no.6 Analysis of Frames with Semi-Rigid Joints Abu-Yasein-O;A,G.R.Frederick
- J. Can. Civ. Eng. Analysys of 3Dimensional Frames with Flexible Beam-Columns Connections Ang,K.M.;G.A.Morris.
- J. Str. Eng. v.115 no.12 Static and Cyclic Performance of Semi-rigid Steel Beam-Column connections Atorod, Azzinzmini, James,B.;Radziminski
- J. Str. Eng. v.99 no.5 Analysis of T-Stub Flange-to-column Connections Ben Kato;William McGuire
- Can. J. Civ. Eng. v.2 no.3 Analysis of Flexibily Connected Steel Frames, Frye,M.J.;G.A.Morris
- Semi-Rigid Frame Connect Predication of Moment-Rotation Behavior of Semi-Rigid Beam-to-Colums Connect Radziminski,J.B.;Atorod,Azizinamin
- J. Const. Steel Res. v.3 no.2 The Analysis of Frames with Semi-Rigid Connections Jones,S.W.;P.A.Kirby;D.A.Nethercot
- Int. Num. Mech v.37 Spatial Stability and Free Vibration of Shear Flexible Thin- Walled Beam Ⅰ,Ⅱ Kim,Moon-young
- Semi-Rigid Frame Connect Moment-Rotation Relation of Top and Seat angle with Double Web-Angle Connection Kishi,N.;W.F.Chen;K.G.Matsuoka;S.G.Nomachi
- Dissert of the Vanderbilt Limit Strength of Semi-Rigid Frames Lee,Shyi-Lin
- J. Const. Steel Res. v.2 no.3 Stability Analysis of a Semi-Rigidly Connected Simple Frame Simites,G.J.;A.S.Vlahinos
- Semi-Rigid Frame Connection Frame Analysis including Semi-Rigid Connections and P-Delta Effects Ioannidesm, Socrates A.
- J. Str. Eng. Nonlinear Elastic Frame Analysis by Finite Element Wen,R.K.
- J. Str. Eng. v.112 no.4 Joint Rotation and Geometric Nonlinear Analysis Yang,Yeong-Bin;William McGuire
- Comp. & Struc v.28 no.1 Stability of Semi-Rigid Space frames Yu,C.H.;N.E.Shanmugam
- SemiRigid Frame Connect Non-Linear Analysis of Plane Frame Structures with Semi-Rigid Connections Yvan Galea