Primar99y cardiac tumors are rare and about 25% of primary cardiac tumors are malignant. A primary undifferentiated cardiac sarcoma, which very rare, is presented as follows: A 28-year old woman at the 32th week of pregnancy was admitted to the hospital because of dyspnea. A large intracardiac (left atrium) tumor was found with cardiac echocardiography and MRI. Emergency operation was performed under the diagnosis of left atrial myxoma. After Cesarean section, LA-tomy was done under the cardiopulmonary bypass. Tumor removal including endocardium of left atrium was done and final pathologic diagnosis was primary undifferentiated laft atrial sarcoma. After adjuvant radiotherapy, she has been followed up in out patient bases without problems up to now.
원발성 심장종양은 대단히 희귀하며 원발성 심장종양가운데 25%정도가 악성종양이다. 저자들은 희귀한 원발성 좌심방 미분화 육종을 보고하는 바이다. 환자는 28세 여자로 임신32주에 호흡곤란을 주소로 내원하였다. 심초 음파와 자기공명영상에서 좌심방의 80-90%를 차지하는 종양이 발견되어 점액종으로 진단하고 응급수술을 시행 하였다. 수술은 먼저 제왕절개술을 통하여 태아를 분만후에 체외순환하에 좌심방 절개를 하였다. 좌심방내의 심내막일부를 포함하여 종양절제후에 병리소견상 미분화 육종으로 판명되어 방사선치료후 현재 추적관찰중이다.