호텔기업의 CI에 관한 연구

A Study on corporate identity of hotel industy

  • 최응 (안양대학교, 순천향대학교 관광경영학과)
  • 발행 : 1998.05.01


Today the corporate environment is changing rapidly in a standpoint of politics, economics, society and technology environment. So corporates need a management strategy in another point of view. As a new menagement strategy it is introduced corporate culture. The corporate culture should be built with the core of CI, in order to be adapted to peripheral circumstances of the company. The purpose of this thesis is to contribute to manage the systematic management of corporate image by inquiring into corporate identity. Through the research of the deluxe hotels in seoul it is tried to find hotel CI-concept. As a result, the knowledge level of hotel managers is a little low and considered simply as the modification of basic elements and development of a visual idenification system. The emphasis must be on the coordination and integration to create a desired coroporate image and to communicate this image created for the target audience in a systematic and unified mannr.
