스테인레스강 용접부의 피로균열 전파속도 예측에 관한 연구

A Study on the Prediction of Fatigue Crack Growth Rate in Stainless Steel Weldments

  • 발행 : 1998.06.01


Welding structure contains residual stress due to thermal-plastic strain during welding process, and its magnitude and distribution depend on welding conditions. Cracks initiate from various defects of the weldment, propagate and lead to final fracture, The crack initiation and propagation processes are affected by the magnitude and distribution. Therefore, the magnitude and distribution of weldment residual stress should be considered for safety design and service of welding structures. Also it is very important that more accurate assessment method of fatigue crack growth must take into account the redistributing the residual stress quantitively. because the residual stress in weldment has characteristics of its redistribution with loading magnitude, number of cycles and fatigue crack propagation. In this study fatigue crack behavior of STS-304 weldment was investigated during crack propagation into tensile residual stress region or compressive residual stress region. Crack growth rates were predicted and compared with experimental results.



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