- Analysis of Welded Structure Masubuchi, K.
- Residual Stress Effects in Fatigue. ASTM STP 776 Influence of Residual Stress on the Predicted Fatigue Life of Weldments. Lawrence. F. V. Jr.;Burk. J. D.;Yung. J. Y.
- 대한용접학회지 v.5 no.1 용접잔류응력 영역에서의 피로균열전파에 대한 Forman식의 적용 이용복;김상철
- 대한기계학회 춘계학술대회논문집( I ) 잔류응력의 재분포와 피로크랙 전파거동 송삼홍;김현
- Japan Welding Society Transactions v.4 no.3 Redistribution of Residual Stress Caused by Crack Propagation Initially Through Residual Compressive Stress Field Mukai, Y.;Nishimura, A.;Kim, E.J.
- 대한용접학회지 v.13 no.4 피로균열이 진전할 때 용접잔류응력의 재분포와 그 영향 이용복;조남익
- 한국공작기계기술학회지 v.6 no.2 SS330 용접재에서 재분포 압축잔류응력 및 균열닫힘의 영향을 고려한 피로거동에 관한 연구 이용복;정진성;김호경;조남익;박상흡
- Engineering Fracture mechanics v.8 Analysis of the Stress Intensity Factor of a Crack Perpendicular to the Welding Bead Terada, H.
- Transactions of American Society for Steel Treating v.18 Green, O. V.
- The Stress Analysis of Cracks Handbook Tada, H.;Paris, P. C.;Irwin, G. R.
- Trans. ASME. J. Basic Eng. v.89 Numerical Analysis of Crack Propagation in Cyclic Loaded Structures Forman, R. G.;Kearney, V. E.;Engle, R. M.
- Damage Tolerance in Aircraft Structure, ASTM STP486 The Significance of Fatigue Crack Closure Elber. W.
- Japan Welding Society Transactions v.4 no.1 Redistribution of Residual Stress Caused by Crack Propagation Initially Through Residual Tensile Stress Field Mukai, Y.;Nishimura, A;Kim, E.J.
- 대한기계학회논문집(A) v.20 no.7 SS330용접재에서 재분포 잔류응력 및 균열닫힘영향을 고려한 피로거동에 관한 재분포에 관한 연구 이용복;정진성;조남익
- 대한기계학회 추계학술대회논문집(A) 연강용접재의 피로거동에 관한 연구 이용복;조남익;김호경;정진성;김영훈
- Scripta Metallurgica v.18 On the Development of Crack Closure with Crack Advance in a Ferrictic Steel Minakawa, K.;Nakamura, H.;Mevily, A.J.
- Journal of Engineering and Materials Technology. Trans. ASME H. v.102 Near-Threshold Fatigue Crack Growth in 2-1/2 Cr-Mo Pressure Vessel steel in Air and Hydrogen Ritchie, R.O.;Suresh, S.;Moss, C.M.
- Metallurgical Trans. A v.13 A Geometric Model for Fatigue Crack Closure Induced by Fracture Surface Roughness Suresh, S.;Ritchie, R.O.
- Int. J. of Fracture v.11 Crack Closure in Fatigue of a Titanium Alloy Bachmann, V.;Munz, D.
- J. of Basic Eng. Trans. of ASME A Critical Analysis of Crack Propagation Law Paris, P.;Erdogan
- ASTM STP 462 Effect of Environments and Complex Load History on Fatigue Life Walker, E. K.
- Fatigue of Eng. Materials & Structures v.14 no.4 Crack Closure and Plastic Zone Sizes in Fatigue MClung, R. C.
- 동아대학교 박사학위논문 순수Ti과 2024-T3 Al 합금의 항복응력 및 과대하중이 피로균열 진전거동에 미치는 영향 김태형