Iron Nutritional Status of Female College Students Residing in the Kyungin Area

경인지역 일부 여대생의 철분양양상태에 관한 연구

  • 손숙미 (가톨릭대학교 식품영양학과) ;
  • 성수임 (가톨릭대학교 식품영양학과)
  • Published : 1998.10.01


The purpose of this study was to assess the iron nutritional status of college women residing in the Kyungin area. The anthropometric parameters, nutrient intake, and biochemical status of iron were measured for 102 college women. The mean height and weight were 160.3cm and 52.4kg, respectively. The proportion of subjects whose BMI was less than 20 was 41.3%. The proportion of subjects assessed as overweight(25$\geq$25%) assessed by the fat percent(FP) was 53.9%. The mean daily intake of iron was 13.90mg(77.1% of RDA), composed of 0.97mg of heme iron and 12.44mg(69.0% of RDA). When the sources of iron were grouped as rice(including bread), noodle, soup, side dish, and snack, noodle provided, 3.95mg of iron regarded as the highest amount. Subjects were taking 6.72mg(51.4% of RDA) of iron per day from main dishes(rice, bread and noodle). The fifty five percent of the subjects showed iron depletion(serum femitin<20ng/ml)and 33.4% showed suppressed erythropoiesis with iron deficiency(serum ferritin<10ng/ml). The anemic subjects assessed with transferrin saturation (<15%) represented 33.3% of the test population, whereas 11.8% of the subjects possessed less than 12g/dl of hemoglobin. Subjects not satisfied with their body shape were having significantly lower amount of energy intake(p<0.05) than the subjects satisfied with their body shape. College women having mothers who graduated from university had a significantly decreased amount of energy, carbohydrates, fat and vitamin C(p<0.05). The mean RBC and serum iron of the subjects who were on a diet more than one month were lower than those of the subjects who were not on a diet(p<0.05).
