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- Phytochemistry v.19 no.28 Sesquiterpene lactones from Eremanthus species Bohlmann;F.;Zdero C.;King;R.M.;Robinson;H.
- L+antibiogramme Chabbert;Y.A.(Tourelle Saint Mande;ed.)
- Phytochemistry v.31 Bitter guaianolides from Eriocephalus punctalatus Davies-Coleman;M.T.
- Peiching Hsueh Yuan Hsueh Pao v.14 Separation and identification of flavonoids from the flower of Chysantheum indium He;Y.Q.;Li;R.Z.;Shen.L.
- Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. v.24 Synthesis and biological activity of α-methylene-γ-butyrolactones Hoffman;H.M.R.Rabe;J.
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- The Pharmacology of Chineses herbs Hung;K.C.
- Phytochemistry Angeloycumambrin -B;an antimicrobial sesquiterpene lactone from Chrysanthemum ornatum var. spontaneum Haruna;M.;Kato;M.Ito;K.;Nikai;T.;Sugihara;H.;Murata;H.
- Phytochemistry v.31 Bitter Guaianolides from Eriocephalus puncyulatus Michael;T.;Robin B.;E.;Dougelas E.A.;R.
- Medicinal Plants of East and Southest Aisia:Attributed Properties and Use Perry;L.M.
- Kor. J.Phamacogn v.27 Cumambrin A in Chrysanthemum boeal Makino preparation;X-ray crystal structure and C- and H-NMR study of cumambrin A Yang;M.S.;Park;K.H.;Jng;D.S.;Choi;S.U.;Nam;S.h.;Shiro;M.