도시가계의 화폐태도유형과 지출행동분석

An Analysis of the Type of Attitudes Toward Money and Expenditure Behavior

  • 백은영 (이화여자대학교 가정관리학과)
  • 발행 : 1998.03.01


This Pupose of this study was to identify the type of attitudes toward money to investigate the relationship between the attitued and consumption expenditure pattern. Data were obtained from 398 household living in Seoul. Factor analysis was used for examining dimensions of attitudes toward money and cluster analysis for classifying the households by money attitudes. This study found five money attitude dimensions, i.e., the Means of Success dimension, the Means of Pleasure dimension, the Means of Security dimension, the Symbol of Anxiety dimension, and the Parsimony dimension, Based on the variation in the dimensions, five money types were identified, ie., the Means of Success, the Means of Pleasure, the Means of Security, the Symbol of Anxiety, and the Parsimony.
