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- 高麗大學敎 醫科大學 論文集 v.21 no.3 마늘이 白鼠의 수은 中毒에 미치는 影響에 관한 硏究 朴在純;車喆煥
- 高麗醫大雜誌 v.21 마늘이 쥐의 카드뮴 중독에 미치는 영향 김성기;차철환
- 한국환경위생학회지 v.20 no.3 자연산물을 미용한 니켈독성의 해독에 관한 연구 이기남;유일수;이종섭
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- 원광대학교 대학원 석사논문 土茯笭추출액이 횐쥐장기에서 카드뮴독성 해독에 미치는 효과 강성호
- 圓光大學校 大學院 博士論文 山豆根抽出液이 흰쥐의 急性 Cadmium 中毒에 대한 解毒 效果 鄭京鎭
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- 中藥大辭典(上冊) 江蘇新醫學院(編)
- 韓方醫學大辭典 v.3 南京中醫學院(編)
- 藥草의 成分과 利用 科學百科辭典出版社
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- 韓國本草學 陸昌洙
- Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. v.74 Zinc induced tolerance to cadmiu hepatotoxicity Goering. P.L.;Klaassen, C.D.
- Cadmium Studies in Japan, A Review Tsuchiya, K.(Ed.)
- Toxicology v.28 cellular adaption in metal toxicolgy and metallothionein Cherian, M.G.;Nordberg, M.
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- 圓光大學校 大學院 碩士論文 茯笭을 이용한 마우스 臟器내 Cadmium 解毒에 關한 硏究 李守根
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- Arch. Environ. Health v.17 Renal lesions in the rabbit after longterm exposure to cadmium Axelesson, B.;Darhlgren, S.E.;Piscator, M.
- Toxicol.and Appl. Pharm. v.65 Acute exposure to cadmium causes severs liver injury in rats Dudley, R.E.;Svoboda, D.J.;Klassen, C.D.
- Exp. neurol. v.18 Toxicity of cadmium for the central nervous system Gabbiani, G.;Baic, D.;Deziel, C.
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- Int. J. Vit. Nutr. Res. v.58 Tissue ascorbate as a metabolic maker in cadmium toxicity Pharikal, K.;Das, P.C.;Dey, C.D.;Dasgupta, S.
- 圖說 韓方 醫學大辭典 陳存仁
- 本草綱目 李時珍
- 證治準繩 王肯堂
- J. of Toxicol. and Environ. Health v.24 Evaluation of tissue disposition myelopoietic and immunologic response in mice after long-term exposure to nickel sulfide in the dringking water Dieter, M.P.:Jameson, C.W.;Tucker, A.N.;Luster, M.I.;French, J.E.;Hong, H.L.;Boorman, G.A.
- Toxicology v.22 Thed induced synthesis of metallothionein in various tussues of rat in response to metals., I. Effect of repeated rejection of cadmium salts Onosaka, S.;Cherian, M.C.
- Environm. Health Persp. v.63 Kietary exposure to cadmium and health effects : impact of environmental changes Piscator, M.
- Experientia v.44 Metallothionein induction by cadmium and zinc in rat secretory organs Wormer, U.;Calp, D.
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- 草烏毒性에 미치는 甘草와 黑豆의 影響 金暉培
- 附子毒素에 의한 組織變化와 甘豆湯 및 黃連解毒湯의 中和에 관한 硏究 朴鎬湜
- 圓光醫科學 v.1 no.2 草烏中毒에 관한 綠豆의 解毒效果 禹元洪;韓宗鉉;辛民敎
- Metal in the environment Fassett, D.W.
- In handbook of experimental pharmacol v.80 Cadmium in the environment and its entry into terrestrial food chain crops Page, A.L.;EI-Amamy M.M.;Chang, A.C.
- J. Toxicol. Environ. Health Oh, S.H.;Deagen, J.T.
- Nutriant Requirements of Domestic Animal v.10 Nutriant Requirement of Laboratory Animals National Academy of Science
- 한국독성학회지 v.11 no.3 한국산 생약으로부터 해독물질의 개발 이종섭;백승화;한두석
- 中藥大辭典 小學官(編)
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