The ultimate goal of national health promotion services is the improvement of quality of life and health longevity through the implementation of health promotion services. The approach strategy for national health promotion summariged as follows: 1) A model for health promotion should be developed by the level of government. 2) Roles and functions between central government and autonomous local governments should be defined to carry out the health promotion services effectively. 3) New manpower for health promotion such as health educator should be trained and activated at hospitals, health centers, industries, school, and related community agencies. 4) School health education should be strengthened in order to teach: various health subject(smoking & alcohol, drug abuse, accident and safe, nutrition, environmental pollution and preservation, population & family planning, personnel hygiene, physical growth, stress, sex education, communicable disease, physical exercise etc) students through appointing health teachers at school base. 5) Health promotion services in industries should be activated using manpower such as health educator, exercise instructor, dietist and counsellor, 6) Health promotion services for the elderly should be activated. 7) Health screening services in the medical insurance and his/her family should be activated for health promotion services. 8) Health education material development center for health promotion should be established and the materials should be made to distribute to related groups, agencies and institutions (health conte.5, hospitals, schools, pharmacies, industries etc). 9) The pilot health promotion center in each automous local governments(large cities, provinces, Guns and Gu level) should be established and operated for community people. 10) The mass media such as TV, radio, newspapers and magazines should be used effectively. 11) Periodic evaluation of health promotion services should be carried out in order to help effective and successful planning for community health promotion in the future.