한의학(韓醫學)과 유학(儒學)에 나타난 심(心)에 대한 고찰(심경(心經)을 중심으로)

Study about heart by oriental medicine and confucianism(center point by simkyung(心經))

  • 구병수 (동국대학교 한의과대학 신경정신과학교실)
  • Gu Byung-Su (Department of Oriental Neuropsychiatry, College of Oriental Medicine, Dong Kook University)
  • 발행 : 1998.08.30


As a result I get the fallowing conclusions;1. Oriental medicine and confucianism have similar point about heart because oriental medicine and confucianism have same philosophical backing 2. Oriental physitian read the books complated by confucianism by confuncianism physitian because racial characterristics are based on confucian thoughts, and my race make much of the heart. So to use confucian thought to phychotheraphy need to study confucian In(仁) thought.3. Thought that oriental medicine refers man as small university and thought that man and heaven are same based on the ethical doctrine that man's inborn nature is good are same connection. but oriental medical aim is agreement external features of man with university, confucian aim is agreement heart of man with university4. Confucianism will be used in phychotheraphy because phychotheraphy require close relationship between psychiatrist and patient and confucianism gives importance to man's relationship5. Oriental medical phychotheraphy deal prevention and cure at same time, but, confucianism deal prevention entirely. so confucianist target a saint by training at ordinary times.



  1. 懸吐 醫學入門 李천
  2. 新東洋醫學論 余朋千
  3. 노이로제의 이해와 치료 이동식
  4. 董仲舒評傳 周桂細
  5. 金元四大家的“天人相應”觀 v.5 중의약학보
  6. 한의학원론 김완회(外3人)
  7. 중국심성논 몽배원
  8. 유교대사전 유교사전편찬위원회
  9. 도와 정신치료 이동식
  10. 흐름으로 보는 서양사상 배요한
  11. 중국인의 인생철학 方東美
  12. 대학중용강설 이기동
  13. 인의 연구-, 교육학적 접근- 이명기
  14. 주자학의 세계 李完栽;白道根(譯)
  15. 중국사상대계 주자 왕양명
  16. 맹자강설 이기동(譯解)
  17. 우주변화의 원리 한동석
  18. 심경부주 조대봉;김종석(공역 완역)
  19. 이퇴계와 敬의 철학 안병주;이기동(譯):
  20. 공자사상의 발견 윤사순(외)
  21. 퇴계심리학 - 성격 및 사회 심리학적 접근 한덕웅