- 原色最新醫療大百科事典 v.2 新太陽社 編輯局 百科事典部
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- 最新免疫學 李淵台
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- Comp. Ther v.11 Therapy for allergic rhinitis. Crawford L.V.;Cohen R.
- Clinical aspect of immunology Classification of allergic reactions responsible for clinical hypersensitivity and disease Cooms RRA;Gell PGH(eds.)
- Allergy: Princeples and practice. Anaphylaxis. Wasserman SI.;Middleton E, Jr;Reed CE;Ellis EF(eds.)
- 월간 임상약학사 v.7 no.1 月刊臨床藥學 鞠泓一
- 內科學 李文鎬(外)
- HARRISON'S 내과학 Kurt J. Isselbacher
- J. Otolaryngol. v.12 A computer tomographic study of nasal mucosa: effects of vasoactive substances. Cole P.;Haight J.S.J.;Cooper P.W.;Kassel E.E.
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- 大韓外官科學會誌 v.10 no.1 桂枝湯 加味方의 알레르기 鼻炎에 對한 治驗報告 金璟濬(外)
- 醫林 v.27 no.210 李文瑞
- 醫林 v.19 no.63 方晃秀
- 醫林 v.20 no.166 徐文敎
- Histamine and anti-histaminics. RelationshiP between histamine and the autonomous nervous system. Von Eu1er US.;Rocha e Silva M(eds.)
- Gen. Pharmacol. v.22 Rat heart anaphylaxis: Influence of mediator antagonists. Bakathir HA;Gissler J;Hirschelmann R.
- Int. Arch. Appl. Immunol. v.92 A method for evaluating arlti-allergy drugs by simultaneously induced passive cut-aneous anaphylaxis and mediator reac-tions. Koda A;Miura T;Inagki N;Sakamoto O;Arimura A;Nagai H;Mori H.
- 韓方治療製의 標準化 規格 統一 硏究 李尙仁(外)
- Microbiol. Immunol. v.22 A new method for extraction of extrav-asated dye in the skin and the influence of fasting stress on passive cutaneous anaphylaxis in guinea Pigs and rats. Katayama S;Shionoya H;Ohlake S
- J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. v.127 A method for the fluorometric assay of histamin Shore PA;Burkhalter A;Cohen VH, Jr.
- Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch. Exp, Pathol. Pharmacol. v.195 Versuchsanor-dnung zu Untersuchungenan der Bronchia-lmuskulatur. Konzett H.;Rossler R.
- 大韓韓醫學會誌 v.11 no.2 免疫疾患의 韓方槪念과 治療에 關한 文獻的 考察 蔡禹錫
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- 新編中藥大辭典 新文豊出版公司
- 실용동의약학 科學百科辭典出版社
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- 傷寒論槪論 朴憲在
- 傷寒論重編 楊宏仁
- Int. Arch. Allergy. Immunol. v.103 Pharamcological evaluation of the inhibitory effect of extracts from Anchietia salutaris on the histamine release induced in the rat the guinea Pig. Gomes JC;Di Stasi LC;Saarbosa F;Barata LES
- Jpn. J. Pharmacol. v.45 Strain difference in an allergic asthma model in rats. Misawa M;Takenuchi K;Abiru T
- Chem. Br. v.21 Antiasthmatic agents: the discovery of intel. Suschitzki JL
- J. Cell. Biol. v.1211 Exocytosis in mast cells by2 basic secretagogues: evidence for direct activa-tionof GTP-binding proteins. Aridor M;Traub LM;Sagi-Eisenberg R
- Phar-macol. Rev. v.40 Inflammatory mediators and asthma. Barnes PJ;Chung KF;Page CP
- Int. Arch. Allergy Appl. Immunol. v.94 Allergic onflammation and its pharma-cological modulation in asthma. Holgate ST;Djukanovic R;Wilson J;Roche W;Britten K;Howarth PH
- Ann. Rev. Phamacol. Toxicol. v.23 Agents that release histamine form mast cells. Lagunoff D;Martin TW;Read G
- J. Biol. Chem. v.262 Theac-tion of Ca++ ionophores on rat basophilic(2H3) cells are dependent on cellular ATP and hydrolysis of inositol Phospholipids: a comparison with antigen stimulation. Lo TN;Saul W;Beaven MA
- Eur. J. Pharmacol. v.143 no.1 Garceau D;Ford-Hutchisno AW;Charleson S