- 부인과학 대한산부인과학회
- 漢方婦人科學 宋炳基
- 鄕藥集成方 世宗祖命(選)
- 東醫寶鑑 許浚
- 大韓方婦人科學會誌 v.1 胎敎에 대한 文獻的 考察. 姜明孜(外)
- 대한산부회지 v.35 절박유산이 임신결과에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구 곽재환;박진완;황태영;김현호;이원기
- 慶熙大學校 碩士學位論文 三稜, 蓬朮이 姙娠에 미치는 影響. 具德謨
- 대한산부회지 v.35 습관성유산의 해부학적 원인에 대한 분석 김광진;이기헌;박문일;정성로;이재억;문형;김두상
- 慶熙大學校 碩士學位論文 桃仁,紅花가 姙娠에 미치는 影響 金相佑
- 東國大學校 碩士學位論文 冬葵子, 芒硝가 妊娠에 미치는 影響. 金潤姬
- 慶熙大學校 碩士學位論文 수질, 맹충,반묘가 임신에 미치는 영향. 金恩基
- 東洋醫學診療要鑑 金定濟
- 대한산부회지 v.35 선천선기형에 대한 연구 김종일
- 慶熙大學校 碩士學位論文 巴豆, 大黃이 姙娠에 미치는影響. 朴敬姬
- 대한산부회지 v.32 절박유산에서 융모성 성선 자극호르몬(Profasi)의 투여효과 박기준;송기창;이충훈;유영옥;임용택;이진우;김승조
- 대한산부회지 v.26 선천성 기형아에 관한 임상적 고찰 박명진;이재현
- 경희의학 v.4 安胎芩朮湯이 姙娠惡阻에 미치는 影響 梁秀烈;李京燮;宋炳基
- 大韓漢方婦人科學會誌 v.1 no.1 姙娠中 禁忌藥物에 關한 文獻的 調査 鄭鎭偵(外)
- 大韓韓方婦人科學會誌 v.6 小産, 半産의 定義,原因, 豫防治療法에 대한 文獻的 考察. 曺永斗;柳同烈
- 대한산부회지 v.21 선천성기형 10년 6개월 연구 최진주;전영실;김종일;우복희;강신명
- 대한산부회지 v.29 출산아 선천기형의 임상역학적 연구 홍순천;이병석;최동희;양영호
- 中醫婦科學 羅元愷(外)
- 濟陰綱目 武之望
- 藥物與姙娠 費中(外)
- 古今醫統大全券十 徐春甫
- 本草三家合註 葉天士
- 諸病候論校釋 巢元方
- 胎産心法 閻純璽
- 葉天士女科 葉桂
- 素問今釋 王琦(外)
- 女科準繩 王肯堂
- 本草綱目 李時珍
- 婦人觀 張介賓
- 醫學心悟 程國彭
- 婦科學講義 存仁中醫學院
- 丹溪心法 朱震亨
- 校注婦人良方 陳自明
- 女科輯要 沈堯封
- 姙娠識要 李時希
- 中醫婦科學 黃繩武(外)
- Natuur en Technieke v.43 Ariens, E.S.;Simonis, A.M. De invloed van chemischestoffen op het ongeboren kind
- Obstet & Gynecol v.63 Effect of vaginal bleeding in pregnancy on outcome. Batzofin JH;Fielding WL;Friedman EA.
- Am J Obtet Gynecol v.53 no.5 A Study of the physiologic action of human chorionic hormon. Brawn, W. E.;Bradbury, J. T.
- Drug Therapy During Defects and Drugs in Pregnancy Drugs and environmental agents in the pathogenesis of Congenital malformations. David, T. J.;Eskes, T.K.A.B.;Finster, M.(eds)
- Br J Obstet & Gynecol v.85 Factors associated with low birth weight of infants delivered at term. Fedrick J;Adelstein P.
- Br J Obstet Gynecol v.87 Outcome of pregnancies complicated by early vaginal bleedlng. Funderburk SJ;Guthrie D;Meldrum D.
- Trans Ophthalmol Soc Aust v.3 Congenital Cataract following German measles in the mother Gregg NM.
- Am. J. Ophthalmol. Soc. Aust. v.3 The relation of vitamin A to anophthamos in pigs Hale, F.
- Chap. v.22 Knuppel and Drukker's High risk pregnancy lst ed. Hayashi;Castillo
- N. Engl.J. Med. v.284 Adenocarcinoma of the Vagina. Association of marternal stilbesterol therapy with tumor appearance in young women Herbst, A.L.;Ulfelder, H.;Poskanzer, D.C.
- N Eng1 J Med v.230 Spontaneous threatened and habitual abortion : their Pathogenesis and treatment. Hertig AT;Livingstone RG.
- Afr Med J v.48 Acta endocrinol. 12, 61 cited from S. Holund. T.;Utian W H
- Novak's Textbook of Gynec ology 11th ed. Jones Ⅲ HW;Wenta AC;Bumett LS.
- New engl. J. Med. v.308 Congenital malformations, etiologic factors and their role ing in prevention Kalter, H.;Warkany, J.
- Lancet v.2 Thalidomide and congenital abnormalities Lenz, W.
- Prev. Med. v.7 Human and laboratory animal test systems available for detection of reproductive failure Manson, J.M.
- High Risk Pregnancy. A Team Approach Genetic counseling. Matthews, A.L.;Simith, A.C.M.;Knuppel, R. A.;Drukker, J. E.
- Lancet v.1 Thalidomide and congenital abnormalities McBride, W.A.
- Ciba Foundation Symposium of Congenital Malformations McKeown, T.;Record, R.G.
- Lancet v.2 Fetal loss after implantation. Miller JF;Williamson E;Glue J(et al.)
- Calif. Med. v.99 Influences of the environment on the unborn Nonie, I.W.
- Am.J. Humm. Genet. v.10 A study of major congenital defects in Japanese infants. Neel, J. V.
- The women and their pregnancies : the collaborative study of the national institute of neurological disease and stroke. Niswander KR;Gordon M.
- J Obstet Gynecol Br Comm v.79 Sonar in the management of abortion. Robinson, H.P.
- Medical, surgical and gynecologic complication of pregnancy. (2nd ed.) Rovinsky JJ;Guttmacher AF.
- Genetics in Obstetrics and Gynecology Simpson, J.L.;Golbus, M. S.;Martin, A.O.;Sarto, G.E.
- Pharmacol. Ther. v.6 The carcinogenesis, mutagenesis, and teratogenesis of insecticites, Review of studies in animals and man. Sternberg, S.S.
- Scientific Foundation of Obstetrics & Gynecology. (3rd ed.) The effect of durgs on the embryo. Tuchmann-Duplessis, H.;Philipp, E. E.;Barnes, J.;Newton, M. (eds)
- S Afr Med J v.48 Human chorionic gonadotropin in the treatment of treatened and recurrent abortion. Utian, W.H.
- New Eng. J. Med. v.993 Congenital Malformations. Warkany, J.;Kalter, H.
- Novak's textbook of gynecology.(11th eds.) Recurrent and spontaneous abortion Wentz AC;Cartwright PS.;Jones HW;Wentz AC;Burnett LS
- Handbook of Teratology Wilson, J.G.;anf fraser, F.C.