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- Nature v.181 Antioxidant determinations by the use of a stable free radical Blois, M. S.
- Proc Soc Exp Biol Med v.196 Determination of superoxide dismutase activity by the polarographic method of catalytic currents in the cerebrospinal fluid of aging brain and neurologic degenerative diseases Bracco, F.;Scarpa, M.;Rigo, A.;Battistin, L
- Methods in Enzymology v.52 Microsomal lipid peroxidation Buege, J. A.;Aust, S. D.;S. Fleischer;L Parker(Eds.)
- J. Neurosci v.7 Ionic dependence of glutamate neurotoxicity Choi, D. W.
- Human Neuron Disease Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Conradi, S.;Ronnevi,L.;Norri's, F.;Rowland LP(ed)
- Neurology v.42 Glutamate receptors in the substantia nigra of Parkinson's disease brains Difazio, M.C.;Holling sworth, Z.;Young,A.B.;Penny, J.B.
- J. Biochem v.245 Quantitative aspects of the productin of superoxide anion radical by milk xanthine oxidase Fridovich, I.
- J. Biochim v.219 Oxygen toxicity, oxygen radicals, transition metals and disease Halliwell, B.;Gutteridge, J.M.C.
- J. Neurosci Res. v.29 Oligodendroglial Cell death induced by oxygen radicals and its protection by catalase Kim, Y.S.;Kim, S.U.
- J. Neurosci Res. v.37 Oxygen radical-induced neurotoxicity in spinal cord neuron cultures Michikawa, M.;Lim, K.T.;Mclarnon, J.G.;Kim, S.U.
- J. Immum Methods v.65 Rapid colorimetric assay for the cellular growth and survival:Application to proliferation and cytotoxic assays Mosmann, T.
- Anal Biochem v.95 Assay for lipid peroxides in animal tissues by hiobarbituric acid reaction Ohkawa, H.;Ohishi, N.;Yagi, K.
- J. Neurosci. v.10 Excitatory amino acid and free radical formation may cooperate in the genesis of ischemia-induced neuronal damage Pellegrini-Giampietro, D. E.;Cherici,G.;Alesiani, M.;Carrla, V.;Moroni, F.
- Nature v.362 Mutation in Cu/Zn Superoxide dismutase gene are associated with familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Rosen, D.;Siddique, T.;Patterson, D.;Figlewiez, D.;Sapp, P.;Hentati, A.;Donaldson, D.;Goto, J. O.;Regan, J.;Deng, H.;Rahmani, Z.;Krrizus, A.(et al)
- Ann N.Y. Acad Sci. v.568 Calcium, excitotoxins, and neuronal death in the brain Siesjo, B.K.;Bengtsson, F.;Grampp, W.;Theander, S.
- Brain Microdissection techniques v.2 Microdissections of nuclear areas from human brain slices, in IBRO handbook Series;Methord in the Neurosciences Stevens, T.J.;Bird, E.D.;Cuello AC(ed.)
- Jpn. J. Psychopharmacol. v.2 Simultaneous determination of biogenic amines and their metabolites in brain tissue by HPLE with electrochemical detection. Twelfth Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Psychopharmacology Yamaguchi, K.;Arai, H.;Watanabe, N.;Moroji, T.
A possible role of lipid peroxidation in cellular damages caused by cerebral ischemia and the protective effect of
$\alpha-$ tocopherol administration Yamamoto, M.;Shima, T.;Uozumi, T.(et al.)