도홍음(桃紅飮)이 Collagen 등(等)으로 유발(誘發)한 혈전(血栓) 및 혈액점도(血液粘度)에 미치는 영향(影響)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)

  • Published : 1998.11.30


This study was performed to prove the antithrombotic effects of DoHongYeum fluid by way of experimental methods. The thrombosis was induced by injection of collagen the mixture (0.1ml/10g, 2mg/kg B.W)plus serotonin (5mg/kg B.W) into the caudal vein of rat, 2 hours after liquid extract of DoHongYeum was oral administration. The effect of the fluid of DoHongYeum was rxamined by the number of RBC and platelets, bleeding time, blood clotting time, death rate, platelet aggregation, plasmacoagulation factor activity, exvivo and fibrinolytic activity of englobulin fracture in the rats. The results were summerized as followings. 1. The number of RBC and platelets was significantly increased in DoHomeYeum group incomparison with the control group. 2. Bleeding time was significantly shortened in DHY group in comparison with the controlgroup. 3. Blood clotting time was significantly prolonged in DHY group in comparison with the control group. 4. The death rate of mouse was inhibited in DHY group in comparison with the control group. 5. The platelet aggregation was inhibited in DHY group in comparison with the control group. 6. The prothrombin time and activated partial thromboplastin time on the test of plasmacoagulation factor activity was prolonged but was not valuable in DHY group. 7. Fibrinogen lyses time of rat was reduced and lyses area was increased in DHY group incomparison with the control group. 8. Fibrinogen lyses time of rat in vitro assay was reduced in DHY group. From the above results, it was thought that the DoHongYeum could be applied effectively in the thrombosis.



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