- 腦卒中의 豫防과 治療 王松齡
- 本草學 本草學敎授
- 臨床本草學 辛民敎
- 本草求眞 황궁숙(纂)
- Stroke v.17 Rat middle cerebral artery occlusion: Evaluation of the model and development of a neurologic examination. Bederson JB(et al)
- Stoke v.17 A model of focal ischemic stoke in the rat: reproducible extension cortical infarction. Chen ST;Hsu CY;Hogan EL;Maricque H;Balentine JD
- J. cereb Blood Flow Metab v.6 Reactivity of rat pial arterioles and venules to adenosine and Carbon dioxide: Detailed descroption of the closed cranial window technique on rats. Morii S;Ngai AC;Winn HR
- Stoke v.6 Detailed description of a cranial window technique for acute and chronic experiments. Joseph E;Lebasseur MS;Wei EP;Raper AJ;Kontos HA;Patterson JL
- 뇌 김기석
- 神經學 서울대학교 의과대학
- Principles of neural science Eric R;Raymond D
- 圖解腦神經外科學 郭隆璨
- Stoke v.21 no.1 Pathophysiology of ischemic stroke as determined by PET Heiss WD
- 신경외과학 대한신경외과학회
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- 인체의 생리 金祐謙
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- 東醫臨床要鎰 金定濟
- 中醫內科學 上海中醫學院(編)
- 丹溪心法附餘 朱震亨
- 張氏景岳全書 張介賓
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- 大韓韓醫學會誌 v.16 no.1 風의 病理的 意味糾明과 中風의 原因 및 治療에 대한 東西醫學的 比較 金世吉
- Laser-Doppler blood flowmetry. Principles of laser-Doppler blood flowmetry. Bonner RF;Nossal R;Shepherd AP.;Oberg PA.(Eds.)
- Laser- Doppler blood flowmeter Perimed's LDV flowmeter. Nilsson GE;Shepherd AP.;Oberg PA.(Eds.)
- Laser- Doppler blood flowmeter. History of laser-Doppler blood flowmeter Shepherd AP;Shepherd AP.;Oberg PA.(Eds.)
- Experimental Physilogy v.78 Some aspect of the use of Laser-Doppler flowmeters for recording tissue blood flow. Vongsavan N.;Matthews B
- British Journal of Pharmacology v.114 Increase of meningeal blood flow agter electrical stimulation of rat dura mater encephail: mediation by calcitonin gene-related peptide. Meiko Kurosawa;Karl Messlinger;Matthias Pawlak;Robeit F. Schmidt
- Journal Neursurgical Anesthesiligy v.5 no.3 Laser-Doppler flowmetry in neurosurgery. Bolognese P;Miller JI;Heger IM;Milhorat TH
- Journal of Neurology,Neurosgery and Psychiatry v.57 Continuous monitoring of cortical perfusion by laser Doppler flowmentery in ventilated Patients with head injury. Kirkpatrick PJ;Smielewski P;Czosnyka M;Pickard JD
- Journal of Physiligy v.430 Alteration in cat knee joint blood flow induced by electrical stimulation afferents and efferents. Khoshbaten A.;Ferrel W.R
- Brain Resecrch v.669 Trigeminal ganglion stimulation increases facial skin blood flow in the rat : a major roal for calcitonin gean-related peptide. Jane EK.;David, TB;Connor HE;Brain SD
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