- 黃帝內經素問靈樞譯解 楊維傑
- 臨床本草學 辛民敎
- 中藥藥理與應用 王浴生
- 申氏本草學 申佶求
- 일반병리학 김상호(외4인)
- 免疫學 하대유(외25人)
- 托裏消毒飮이 마우스의 綿羊赤血球에 대한 免疫反應에 미치는 影響 安大宗
- 養心湯이 스트레스와 免疫機能에 미치는 影響 尹祥熙
- 補中益氣湯의 投與가 紫外線 照射로 低下된 마우스의 免疫機能의 恢復에 미치는 影響 閔勇泰
- 生地黃의 投與가 마우스의 先天免疫 및 適應免疫 反應에 미치는 影響 椎榮坦
- 鍼灸刺戟이 생쥐의 免疫系에 미치는 影響 嚴泰植
- 大韓本草學會誌 v.12 no.1 數種 補益劑가 免疫細胞의 調節 및 Apoptosis에 미치는 影響 韓宗鉉(外5人)
- 大韓韓方內科學會誌 v.18 no.2 竹瀝이 T-lymphocyte rte 및 腹腔 Macrophage에 미치는 影響 鄭鉉雨(外5人)
- J. Immunol. methods. Mosmann, T.
- Kotnic, V.;Fleischmann, W.R.Jr. Kotnic, V.;Fleischmann, W.R.Jr.
- Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. Wysocki, L. J.;Sato, V. L.
- J. Immunol. Mizel, S. B.;Openheim, J. J.;Rosensteich, D. L.
- Infec. Imumnity v.59 no.9 Killing of Plasmodium faciparum in vitro by nitric oxide derivatives. Rockett K,A.;Awbum, M. M.;Cowden, W. B.;Clark, I. A.
- J. Immunol. Methods Rapid and simple method for mesuring thymocyte apoptosis by propidium iodide staining and flow cytometry. I. Nicoletti;G. Migliorati;M. C. Pagliacci;F. Grignani;C. A. Riccardi
- Science Macrophage cytotoxicity role for L-arginine deaminase and imino nitrogen oxidation to nitrite. Hibbs, J. B.;Taintor, R. R.;Vavrin, Z.
- Jpn. J. Cancer Res. Leukemic cell lysis by activated human macrophages. Nakabo, Y.;Harakawa, N.;Yamamoto, K.;Okuma, M.;Uno, K.;Sasada, M.
- J. Immunol. v.14 Kinetic study of antibody producing cells in the spleen of mice immuized intravenously with sheep erythrocytes Biozzi G;Stiefel C;Moutorl Bouthillier Y;Deceusefound GA.
- Medicine Immunology v.12 Anti-tumor effect of macrophage Ymazaki M.
- Essential Immunology Roitt l.
- Immunol. Today. Cellular signaling in programmed cell death (apoptosis). McConkey, D.J.(et al)
- Nature Antibodies to CD/T-cell receptor complex induce death by apoptosis in immature T cells in thymic cultures. Smith, C. A.;Wiliiams, G. T.;Kingston, E.; Jenkinson, J.;Owen, J. J. T.
- J. Exp. Med. Reduction in mitochondrial potential constitutes an early irreversible step of programmed lymphocyte death in VIVO. Zamzami, N.;Marchetti, P.;Castedo, M.;Zanin, C.;Vayssiere, J. L.;Petit, P. X.;Kroemer, G.
- J. Exp. Med. Prevention of agerelated T cell apoptosis defect in CD2- fas- transgenic mice. Zhou, T.;Edwards, C. K.;Mounts, J. D.
- J. Immunol. v.144 Cytolytic mechanisms of activated macrophages ; Tumor necrosis factor and L-arginine- depenent mechanisms act synergistically as the major cytolytic mechanism of activated macrophages Higuchi MM;Hlgashi N;Taki H;Osawa T.