A Literature Review and A Clinical Examination of Burning Acupuncture Therapy of using D.I.T.I.

화침요법(火鍼療法)의 연구동향(硏究動向)과 D.I.T.I를 활용(活用)한 임상적(臨床的) 고찰(考察)

  • Park Sang-Jun (Dept. of Acupuncture & Moxibustuon College of Oriental Medicine, Wonkwang University) ;
  • Ahn Soo-Gi (Dept. of Acupuncture & Moxibustuon College of Oriental Medicine, Wonkwang University)
  • 박상준 (원광대학교 한의과대학 침구학교실) ;
  • 안수기 (원광대학교 한의과대학 침구학교실)
  • Published : 1998.12.30


We have studied the clinical application of burning acupuncture by examining 18recent-published papers in the journal 'ZHONGGUO ZHENJIU(中國鍼灸)' for the bibliographical study and clinical study and have given medical treatment of burning acupuncture on 21 Patients who suffered 'the body chill symptoms(冷症)' at the oriental hospital of Won-Kwang University, Kwang-Ju. As a result, we have come to some conclusions as below. 1. The diseases for which the modern borning acupuncture is efficacious are widely extended to various kinds of field such as surgery, internal medicine, gynecology, ophthalmology, otolaryngology. etc. as well as numbness, meridian muscle disease(經筋病) mentioned in 'Neijing(內徑)' . 2. The effects of burning acupuncture therapy are wen zhuang yang qi(溫壯陽氣), sheng ji lian chuang(生肌斂瘡), san han chu shi(散寒除濕), qu fens zhi yang(祛風止痒), qu yu chu fu pai nong(祛瘀除腐排膿), san jie xiao zhong(散結消腫), zhi tong huan ji chu ma mu(止痛緩急除麻木), qing re xie hue jie du(淸熱瀉火解毒). 3. The recently reported diseases for which burning acupuncture is good are internal and external humeral epicondylitis, atheroma, menorrhalgia, thecal cyst, tragomaschalia, pruritus, traumatic onychophemia, gout of feet, prostatomegaly, aacne, supprative infection of body surface, snapping finger, backache, numbness, pyocyst etc. 4. The subjective symptoms of 'the body chill symptoms(冷症)' were, most of all, feeling cold accompanied by pain(16 case), while just 4 cases were feeling cold only. 5. In the related diseases of the body chill symptoms(冷症), feeling pain like arthralgia was the most case, and then dysmenorrhea, menorralgia, depression, anemia in order. 6. In the D.I.T.I before and after burning acupuncture treatment, 6 patients had shown 'excellent' effects and 8 patients had turned out 'good', while 7 patients had become'fair'. 7. In the degree of patient-satisfaction, 5 patients announced 'excellence' and 6 patients expressed 'good', 4 expressed 'fair', while the other 6 showed no change. 8. In the correlation of D.I.T.I and patient-satisfaction, the better the result of clinical treatment was, the more satisfied the patient was, however, in the case 'fair', we saw the degree of patient-satisfaction was relatively low, so we could admit the judging significance of D.I.T.I.



  1. 鍼灸學(下) 崔容泰(外)
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  3. 火鍼 劉保延
  4. 黃帝內經 靈樞 楊維傑
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  6. 諸病源候論 校釋(下) 巢元方
  7. 鍼具鍼法 賀普仁
  8. 疼痛鍼灸治療學 何廣新;曲延華
  9. 鍼灸學 楊甲三
  10. 實用鍼灸學 呂長松
  11. 臨床內外科鍼灸學 鍼灸硏究中心(編)
  12. 鍼灸擧 楊甲三(外)
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  16. 中國鍼灸 肱骨內外上髁炎의 火鍼治療 60例 呂珍
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  33. 中國鍼灸 火鍼與毫鍼結合治療痺證785例臨床觀察 高支
  34. 慶熙大學校大學院碩士論文 赤外線 體熱 撮影을 이용한 요추간판 탈출증의 臨床的 觀察 孫聖世
  35. Medical thermology Abernathy, M.;Uemastsu, S.
  36. 大韓神經外科學會誌 v.19 腰維閣振 脫出症 患者에서 컴퓨터 赤外線 體熱 撮影의 意義 김영수(외2인)
  37. 大韓再活醫學會誌 v.15 Trigger point에 대한 컴퓨터赤外線 體熱 撮影法의 臨床的 意謠에 대한 考察 권오진(외2인)
  38. 大韓鍼灸學會誌 v.11 no.1 컴퓨터 赤外綠 全身體熱撮影으로 본 腰椎椎間板 脫出症의 鍼灸治療效果 李建穆