행동조절이 어려운 소아치과 환자 치료시 Halothane과 Midazolam을 사용한 Modified Deep Sedation

Modified deep sedation with halothane and midazolam for the definitely negative behavior pediatric patient.

  • 윤형배 (단국대학교 치과대학 마취과)
  • Yoon, Hyung-Bae (Department of Anesthesiology, School of Dentistry, Dan-Kook University)
  • 발행 : 1998.02.28


Management of children who show negative response to treatment was difficult. Usually the dentist used the restraintor sedatives for these children. Especially it is very difficult to management of definitely negative behavior patients who resist to ordinary sedative technics including psychosedation and various sedatives. These patients were managed with general anesthesia. Midazolam was used for sedation of non-cooperative pediatric patients and halothane for induce initial sleepness, If the patient shows negative response to management after 15 minutes of midazolam administration, used the halothane in 30 to 120 seconds for calm down the patient. After induce sleepness, cut off the halothane administration and maintain the sedation with $N_2O$ in 50-70 vol.% concentration. This technic reduce the toxity and untoward effects of major anesthetics. To compare the difference of sedation effect by dosage, dose of 0.2mg/kg and 0.3mg/kg were injected respectively. Though there's no statistical difference in duration and results between two dosage but show the increment of score with age, If the patients show positive response to management after midazolam administered. try to conscious sedation with nitrous oxide in 30 to 70 vo.% concentration. Nitrous oxide concentration was administered slowly according to their consciousness and response to treatment by increment or decrement. The success rate of conscious sedation were 21.2% in 0.2mg/kg and 30.3% in 0.3mg/kg. There's many factors in proceed of conscious sedation. The most important factors are age of patient and experience of children for dental care.
