Applied Biological Chemistry
- Volume 41 Issue 7
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- Pages.550-555
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- 1998
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- 2468-0834(pISSN)
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- 2468-0842(eISSN)
Survey of Carbon- and Proton-Fluorine Coupling Constants in Fluoro-quinolone Carboxylic Acid Derivatives
Fluoro-quinolone Carboxylic Acid 유도체로부터 탄소-불소 및 수소-불소간 Coupling Consstants의 조사
Koh, Dong-Soo
(Department of Applied Chemistry, Dongduk Women's University) ;
- Lee, In-Won (Department of Applied Biology and Chemistry, Konkuk University) ;
Lim, Yoong-Ho
(Department of Applied Biology and Chemistry, Konkuk University)
- Published : 1998.12.31
For fluoro-quinolone carboxylic acid derivatives, one bond carbon-fluorine coupling constants are ranged from 249 Hz to 257 Hz regardless of positions. But geminal and vicinal carbon-fluorine coupling constants vary according to positions, namely, geminal coupling constants are ranged from 6 Hz to 23 Hz, and vicinal coupling constants are ranged from 1.9 Hz to 7 Hz. In cases of proton-fluorine couplings, three bond coupling constants are ranged from 9 Hz to 10.3 Hz, and four bond coupling constants ate ranged from 6 Hz to 8.3 Hz.
Fluoro-quinolone carboxilic acid 유도체에서, 탄소-불소간 one bond coupling constants는 위치와 무관하게 249 Hz에서 257 Hz 사이의 값을 갖는데, geminal 및 vicinal coupling constants는 위치에 따라 그 값의 차이가 많이 생긴다. 즉, seminal coupling constants는 6 Hz에서 23 Hz의 값을 보이고 vicinal coupling constants는 1.9 Hz에서 7 Hz의 값을 보인다. 또한 수소-불소간 three bond coupling constants는 9 Hz에서 10.3 Hz의 값을 보이고, four bond coupling constants는 6 Hz에서 8.3 Hz의 값을 보인다.
- carbon-fluorine coupling constants;
- proton-fluorine coupling constants;
- fluoro-quinolone carboxylic acid derivatives