痔瘡과 痔瘻에 對한 文獻的 考察

A Literatural study on the hemorrhoids and hemorrhoids complicated by anal fistula

  • 노현찬 (大田大學校 韓醫科大學 外官科學敎室) ;
  • 노석선 (大田大學校 韓醫科大學 外官科學敎室)
  • 발행 : 19970900


A Literatural study on the etiological factors, classification, prescription of hemorrhoids and hemorrhoids complicated by anal fistula following results were obtained. 1. The cause of hemorrhoids are long time sit, long time gate, overfatigue, overeating, imbalance of stool( constipation or diarrhea), pregnant fertility(overfatigue after childbirth, insufficiency of middle warmer energy), uncontrol sexual excess, pathgenic factors of wetness, heat, wind, dry, genetic cause, excess of anxiety, pile up of heat poison, weakness of entrails and viscera. The cause of hemorrhoid complicated by anal fistula are attack of external wind, heatness, dry, fire, wetness(pathgenic factors), inapporiate treatment and chronic disease, greasy diet, excess of anxiety, constipation, uncontrol sexual excess, obstacle of circulation of vital energy and blood on anal site. 2. Classification of hemorrhoids are female hemorrhoids, male hemorrhoids, pulse hemorrhoids, intestines hemorrhoids, vital energy hemorrhoids, wine hemorrhoids, blood hemonhoids, flowing hemorrhoids. Classification with other method are external hemorrhoids, internal hemorrhoids, mixed hemorrhoids, excrescence hemorrhoids, nipple homorrhoids. External hemorrhoids is classified of varicosis of hemorrhoidal vein, connective tissue form, thrombus form. Classification of hemorrhoid complicated by anal fistula are simple lower hemorrhoid, lower mixed hemorrhoid, deep hemorrhoid, outer of one hole hemorrhoid, a horseshoe hemorrhoids. Once more classificated of four are space of sphincter muscle form, penetration sphincter muscle form, upper of sphincter muscle form, outer of sphincter muscle form. 3. Therapy method of hermorrhoid and hemorrhoid complicated by anal fistula are internal method, fumigation method method, ointment, method of close with medicine, necrotizing method, hot medicated compress( gxternal method), injection, insertion, bind, (operation) and acupuncture therapy (the others method) 4. Herb medicine for many used of internal method are Scutellaria baikalensis George(黃芩), Coptis japonia Makino(黃連), Rehmania giutinosa Liboschitz ex Fischer & Meyer(生地黃), Poncirus trifoliata Refinesque(枳殼), Sanguisorba officinalis Linne(地楡), Sophora japonica L.(槐花), Cnidium officinale Makino (川芎), Astragalus membranaceus Bunge(황기), Angelica gigas Nakai (當歸). 5. Herb medicine for many used of fumigation are Schlechtendalia Chinesis J. Bell (五倍子), Artemisia Vulgaris L. var indica Maxim(艾葉), Poncirus trifoliata Refinesque (枳殼), Nepeta japonica Maximowicy(荊芥), And herb medicine for many used of ointment are Calomelas(輕粉), Alum(白礬), Boswellia carterii Birdwood(乳香), Os Draconis Fossilia Ossis Mastodi(龍骨).
