A literatual study on the Ecthyma

렴瘡에 對한 文獻的 考察

  • 김희택 (大田大學校 韓醫科大學 外官科學敎室) ;
  • 오영선 (大田大學校 韓醫科大學) ;
  • 노석선 (大田大學校 韓醫科大學 外官科學敎室)
  • Published : 19970900


In the literatual study on the Ecthyma, the results were as follows. 1. The pathogenic factors of Ecthyma is divided three parts. One is exogenous pathogenic factors which including the wind evil, wind heat and toxic material produced by wetness evil. Another is endogenous pathogenic factors which including the declination of kidney-yang, impairment of the liver and kidney, the lower classes of yin-fire, accumulation of wetness-heat in the spleen asthenia, impairment of the liver and kidney, wetness-heat of three yang, asthenic heat-syndrome of three yin. The other is pathogenic factors neither endogenous nor exogenous which including the food and living, uncontrol sexual excess, anxiety and angry, injury of skin, injury of insects and animals. 2. Five viscera which was concerned with Ecthyma are liver, spleen and kidney. 3. Frequent region of Ecthyma are S-36(足三里) and C-7(陰交). External Ecthyma was rose to wetness-heat of three yang channel that cured easily. Internal Ecthyma was rose to asthenic heat-syndrome of three yin channel that cured hardly. 4. In the frequency of prescription, the most numerous prescription is Bojungikgitang(補中益氣湯) and the next are Kyukgigo(隔紙膏) and Yukmijihwanghwan(六味地滉丸). 5. In the frequency of medicine, the most medicine is Calomelas(輕粉) which included Hydrargyrum(水銀) and the next are Olibanum(乳香) and Resina Commiphorae Myrrhae(沒藥) which regulating vital energy and pain control medicine used that in order to destroy insects and remove polson. 6. In classification of the medical action, medicine of clearing away summer-heat and heat evil and activating blood circulation to dissipate blood stasis used to be very busy which in order to remove the disorder of vital energy for virulent heat-evil. 7. In classification of four characters, the most part is warm medicine, the next are cold and cool medicine and there is a few that is hot medicine. 8. In classification of five tastes, the most numerous tastes are bitter and acrid, the next are sweet, salty and sour tastes. 9. In classification of virulence of medicine, the most part is non-toxic, the next are weakly and deadly poison. 10. In classification of channel distribution, the most is the medicine that belongs to liver channel, the next are the lung, spleen, stomach and kidney channel.
