"명(明).청대(淸代) 부산과(婦産科)의 의사학적(醫史學的) 연구(硏究)"

  • 조면휘 (동국대학교 한의과대학 원전의사학교실) ;
  • 박현국 (동국대학교 한의과대학 원전의사학교실)
  • Published : 1997.04.04


Obstetrics and Gynecology include gynecology which is concerned with the treatment for the disease based on physiology and pathology of women, and obstetrics which is concerned with pregnancy delivery. These obstetrics and gynecology can be said to da-te from the birth of human beings. This pap-er has carried on the studies about the deve-loping process of obstetrics and gynecology of Ming and Qing age. The results of this study are as follows: In Ming age, Many Obstetrics and Gynecology books including "Nukecuoyao"("女科撮要"), "Xiaozhufurenliangfang"("校注婦人良方"), "Wanshifurenke"("萬氏婦人科") and "Nukezhingzhizhunsheng"("女科證治准繩") were published Distinction in Ming age we-re equal development on theory and clinic t-aking a serious view of the differentiation of symptoms and signs, fashion of medicine th-ought of reactionism under the influence of "lixue"(理學). The refore Obstetrics and Gyn-ecology were influenced by these points. And for this example, as treatment contents on "Xiaozhufurenliangfang"("校注婦人良方") and the theory about "fetuse-energy"(胎氣) in "Furengui"("婦人規"), theoretic system with a view point's change of women's disease were established on Obstetrics and Gynecology. But it was restricted on a field of diagnosis under the influence of feudal "lixue"(理學), so the the number of obstetrics doc-tors who were mostly men at that time had fallen greatly and maternity who were short of expert medical knowledge appeared. In Qing age, an explosive increase in po-pulation called greater demand on medicine book and generation after generation extre-mely much Obstetrics and Gynecology books including "NukeChanhoubian"("女科産後編"), "Yetianshinuke"("葉天士女科"), and "Shenshinukejiyao"("沈氏女科輯要") were p-ublished, and it is studied that application of "eight extra-channel"(奇經八脈) theory and the study of drug attributive on extra-chan-nel were progressed. Besides, it is studied that existing traditional Obstetrics and Gyn-ecology changed newly under the influence of the school of combination of traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine which was appeared in the late Qing age.
