Building Composition and Site Layout of the Main Palace of the Koryo Dynasty in the 11th and 12th century

11,12세기 고려(高麗) 정궁(正宮)의 건물구성과 배치

  • Published : 1997.12.01


There are two main halls in the Main Palace of the Koryo Dyansty in the 11th and 12th century. One, named Hoekyongjeon, was served only for special ceremony ; hundred Buddhist priests' sermons or receiption of Chinese emperor's letters. The other one, Kondukjeon, was used as ordinary throne hall. The ordinary throne hall was built when the palace was erected at the beginning era of the Koryo Danasty, while the special ceremony hall built after the reconstruction in the 11th century. The throne hall was located at northwest side of the special ceremony hall. Audience chamber and King's bedroom were located at west and northwest side of the throne hall. The basic layout of the Palace showed unsymmetrical shape. It seemed mainly effected by its undulating terraine. The acess road from main gate to the throne hall showed zigzag way, by following a stream penetrating the site obliquely, It could be said that the Main Palace of the Koryo Danasty achieved its originality on the aspect of unsymmetrical layout and zigzag acess road, which was not found in the former palaces.
