대한산업공학회지 (Journal of Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers)
- 제23권4호
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- Pages.687-698
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- 1997
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- 1225-0988(pISSN)
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- 2234-6457(eISSN)
마코프 에러형태 하에서의 Blast 프로토콜의 수율 분석
Throughput Analysis for Blast Protocols under Markov Error Type
- 투고 : 19970400
- 발행 : 1997.12.31
In this paper, a Variation of Blast with Go-Back-N(V-BGBN) protocol is proposed, which differs from Blast with Go-Back-N(BGBN) and Blast with Full Retransmission on Error(BFRE) protocols in the retransmission strategy of packets. Performances of these three protocols under correlated packet errors are analyzed. Throughput efficiency of an arbitrary packet is obtained under the assumption that the round trip delay and the packet length are respectively constant. Recursive formula and difference equations are used as analytical tools. Correlation of packet errors is modelled by a two state Markov chain. The throughput efficiencies under these protocols are compared. V-BGBN protocol is shown to be superior to other two protocols in high speed network.