OMT를 이용한 그룹의사결정지원시스템의 설계 및 구현

Design and Implementation of Group Decision Support System using Object-Oriented Modeling Technique

  • Kim, Soung-Hie (Dept. of Management Engineering, Graduate School of Management, KAIST) ;
  • Cho, Sung-Sik (Dept. of Management Engineering, Graduate School of Management, KAIST) ;
  • Kim, Sun-Uk (Dept. of Industrial Engineering, DanKook University) ;
  • Park, Hung-Kook (Dept. of Telecommunication Systems Management, SangMyung University)
  • 투고 : 19960900
  • 발행 : 1997.03.31


Recently, in organizations many decisions are being made by groups. And the organization is changing a lot so are groups. To help decision making of changing groups, we need more flexible and more adaptive GDSS. Therefore one of the critical success factors of GDSS is flexibility and incremental improvement. Prior research on specifying design requirements of GDSS suggests generic design requirements. But they are too general to be incorporated directly into system design, because of the disparity between real group and ideal group that the researchers studied. Many design strategies that start from the generic design requirements thus have contingency variables that changes as the characteristics of group change. From the viewpoint of developers, these variables implicate the desirability of flexibility. To achieve flexibility we need new methodology of design and implementation. Nowadays, object-oriented analysis and design methodologies have been progressed to the point that many systems are being developed through these methodologies. In this paper, a design is proposed using Object-Oriented Modeling Techniques(OMT). Exploiting object-oriented paradigm results in a highly flexible and easily upgradable design.
