Decision Support System by using Tunable Simulation for Optimally Mixed Systems

조정 가능한 시뮬레이션을 사용하여 최적 혼성 시스템을 찾아내기 위한 의사 결정 지원시스템 구축

  • 김성수 (한국통신, 멀티미디어연구소 물류정보서비스연구실)
  • Received : 19970400
  • Published : 1997.11.30


This mixed push and pull production system defines that all stages are not ordered by either of the production systems. Some stages are ordered by a push-type production system and the other stages are ordered by a pull-type production system. A decision support system is built by using a combination of optimization program and the "tunable" SIMAN discrete-event simulation for the implementation of an optimally mixed production system. Finding this optimal system requires 6 CPU hours for the case study on a Pentium. Both the simulation and optimization model are validated with a case study of Phoenix company that manufactures transmitters. This paper uses survey from experts in this company for evaluation and validation of this system.
