Selection of Machining Parameters of Electric Discharge Wire Cut Using 2-Step Neuro-estimation

2단계 신경망 추정에 의한 와이어 컷 방전 가공 조건 선정

  • 이건범 (홍성기능대학 생산기계기술학과) ;
  • 주상윤 (울산대학교 산업공학과) ;
  • 왕지남 (아주대학교 기계 및 산업공학부)
  • Received : 19970400
  • Published : 1997.11.30


We proposed a 2-step neural network approach for estimating machining parameters of electric discharge wire cut. The first step net, which is described as a backward neuro-estimation, is designed for estimating coarse cutting parameters while the second phase net, as a polishing forward neuro-estimation, is utilized for determining fine parameters. Sequential estimation procedure, based on backward and forward net, is performed using the net's approximation capability which is M to 1 and 1 to M mapping property. Experimental results an given to evaluate the accuracy of the proposed 2-step neuro-estimation.
