간호행정학회지 (Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration)
- 제3권1호
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- Pages.83-92
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- 1997
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- 1225-9330(pISSN)
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- 2288-4955(eISSN)
일부병원의 신규간호사 오리엔테이션에 관한 조사연구
Survey on the Orientation for New Nurses in a Hospital
This study was designed to evaluate the current orientation and further to develop an effective orientation curriculum of new nurses by analyzing questionraire taken from 45 numbers of all nurses who have worked for 18 months below at one hospital located in C city on July, 1995. The results obtained are summarized as follows. 1. The subjects showed the high necessity of "emergency nursing", "cardiopulmunary resuscitation", "disinfection and infection" and "interpersonal relationship" in order, but relatively low necessity of "doctor supports" and "medical insurance affair" for the practical orientation. Therefore, the orientation should provide prepondently an education Which they really need, on the basis of their education experiences and/or requirements. 2. Practical training, individual teaching and performance will be an effective orientation more than theorical education. The educator should be selected from unit based persons being capable of providing technical education to trainee. Also, in order to develop the teaching method and to improve the corresponding ability, a special program is required for educators. 3. It will be desirable that task training is given at least one month before working at their unit. In addition, orientation schedule should be made to concentrate trainee on their task training fully. 4. The subjects showed that half of them had spent four to six months for work adaptation. A meeting of new nurses may be helpful not only to acclimate themselves to new circumstances. but also to provide an exchange of views and an emotional relationship. Furthermore, unit based staffs should exerts efforts to maintain the educational circumstances and warm concern for new nurse's adaptation.