A Study on the Application and Development of the Strategic Environmental Assessment(SEA) Model with Reference to Urban Comprehensive Plan

전략환경평가 모형의 개발과 적용에 관한 연구(I): 도시기본계획 평가를 중심으로

  • 성현찬 (경기개발연구원 생활환경연구부) ;
  • 김귀곤 (서울대학교 농업생명과학대학 조경학과)
  • Published : 1997.06.20


Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) is an assessment process integrated with policy and planning processes considering environmental impacts, not at the level of individual project, but at higher level of policy and plan. Presently, two systems for the SEA are being implemented in Korea. One is "the consultation of environmental investigation into a change in national land utilization", which is to be pre-discussed with the head of the related central administrative organizations, based on the respective individual code. The other is "the consultation of environmental investigation into an administrative plan and project", which is to be pre-discussed with the minister of the environments for the administrative plan. However, these two systems are not integrated procedures with the planning process. In other words, there is a separate post-environmental assessment after planning. Also concrete proposal is not yet prepared for the method and procedure of environmental investigation about details of the planning. Therefore, they do not playa role in taking precautions for environmentally sustainable development. In this study, for the effective environmental investigation at the level of planning, environmental assessment model to be integrated with urban comprehensive plans was developed. The results of this study can be summarized as follows: First, based on the analysis of systematic problems in environmental investigation of this country, the study compared and analysed the SEA method of foreign countries. derived the potential limitations in its applications to this country. Also, the new method in this study, is integrated into planning process by improving the limitations. Thus, we developed the SEA model for this country, which consists of seven steps ; Phase 1; establishing a work program, Phase 2; defining the scop. of the SEA, Phase 3; analyzing an existing environmental situation, Phase 4; examining the consistency with environmental policy, Phase 5; appraising and synthesizing the plan content, Phase 6; proposing recommendations, Phase 7; monitoring and feedback. Second, the two types of application program of the developed assessment model were proposed. One is to integrate this model into planning process, and the other is for the institute and ministry of environments to implement SEA after planning. An aim of this study was developing an environmental assessment model at the planning level which was not yet established in this country and was to apply the model to urban comprehensive plan for inspection. This research will make the effective operation of environmental investigation system possible at the planning level in this country and contribute to the environmental protection at the global level.
