Parental Sociability, Parenting Behaviors, and Shyness in Children

부모의 사회성 및 양육행동과 아동의 수줍음

  • 정승원 (이화여대 가정관리학과) ;
  • 도현심 (이화여대 가정관리학과)
  • Published : 1997.11.01


The relation of parental sociability and parenting behaviors (such as warmth and control) to shyness in children was examined. The subjects were 280 fifth-and sixth-grade children (139 boys and 141 girls). The data were analyzed by multiple regressions. Results showed that (1) maternal sociability was related to shyness in children: the more sociable the mothers, the less shy their children, and (2) paternal and maternal warmth were related to shyness in children: the warmer the fathers and mothers, the less shy their children.
