일본(日本) 한방의학(韓方醫學)의 체질의학(體質醫學)인 《일관당의학(一貫堂醫學)》에 관(關)한 고찰(考察)

A Study of the "Ikkando Medicine" in Japanese Oriental Medicine

  • 조기호 (부산의과약과대학 의학부 화한진료학교실) ;
  • 박성식 (동국대학교 한의과대학 사상의학교실) ;
  • 테라사와 카츠토시 (부산의과약과대학 의학부 화한진료학교실) ;
  • 시마다 유타카 (부산의과약과대학 의학부 화한진료학교실) ;
  • 이원철 (동국대학교 한의과대학 내과학교실)
  • Joh, Kiho (Department of Japanese Oriental Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University) ;
  • Park, Seong Sik (Department of Constitutional Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Dongguk University) ;
  • Terasawa, Katsutoshi (Department of Japanese Oriental Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University) ;
  • Shimada, Yutaka (Department of Japanese Oriental Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University) ;
  • Lee, Won Chul (Department of Internal Medicine, Oriental Medical College Dongguk University)
  • 발행 : 1997.06.30


중국 전통의학에 기반을 둔 동양의학은 중국을 비롯하여 한국과 일본에서 주도적으로 이루어지고 있다. 이 중에서 한국과 일본의 동양의학 특색중에 하나로서 중국의학과는 다른 체질의학의 탄생과 발달이라고 할 수 있다. 이 두 체질의학은 현재 난치병을 비롯한 모든 질환에서 많이 응용되고 있으며 특히 한국의 체질의학인 사상의학이 크게 부흥하고 있다. 이에 저자들을 체질의학에 관심이 높은 한국에 일본의 체질의학인 일관당의학을 소개하여 실제 임상에까지 응용할 수 있도록 본 논문을 정리하였다. 일본 일관당의학은 Dohaku Mori(1867~1931)에 의하여 처음으로 만들어졌으며, 그의 제자 Kaku Yakazu(1893~1966)가 "Kamp Ikkando Medicine"이라는 책을 출판함으로써 일반인들에게 알려였다. 이 의학의 특징은 인간을 외증(外證) 맥증(脈證) 복증(腹證) 및 쉽게 걸리는 질병의 경향성에 따라 어혈증체질(瘀血證體質) 장독증체질(臟毒證體質) 해독증체질(解毒證體質)의 3가지 체질로 나누어 주요 적용처방을 제시하고 있으며, 더불어 성장발달에 따른 체질의 변화를 고려하여 예방의학적 치료체계를 지니고 있다.

The oriental medicine based on the traditional chinese medicine has developed according to the historical and racial character respectively in China, Korea and Japan etcs. Particularly, the distinctive feature of Korea & Japan is characterized by the development of constitutional medicine compared with chinese medicine; Sasang Medicine of Korea and Ikkando Medicine of Japan. The constitutional medicines were so far developed by many clinical doctors, and in recent years much interest has centered on the application of these medicines in regarding originality, easiness and effectiveness etcs in treatment. Thus far only few attempts have been made at Ikkando medicine in Korea, what seems to be lacking, however, is practical application in clinic. Thus authors intend to help the clinical application by introducing Ikkando medicine to Korea oriental medicine through this paper. The Ikkando medicine was established by Dohaku Mori(1869~1931) and was known through the "Kampo Ikkando Medincine" which was published by his disciple, Kaku Yakazu(1893~1966), classified human beings into three types; type of blood stasis, type of stroke and type of allergy. The type of blood stasis may be responsible for factors which have occurred by a state of insufficient bleed circulation and blood stasis causing lesione of endothelial cells, and Tongdosan is mainly administrated. The predisposing factor of stroke's type is known as the excessive diet, and the prevalence of cerebrovascular accident is probably higher. In this type, it is likely that patients are prevented and cured with Bangpungtongsunsan. Allergy's type have three distinct types of childhood, adolescence and adult as to the age. Allergy's type of childhood predisposes patients such as these to upper respiratory infection and tuberculosis etcs, and Sihocheonggansan is frequently administrated. Allergy's type of adolescence has a tendency to rhinitis and infection of face legion etcs, and Heunggyeyeoungyotang is mainly administrated. Allergy's type of adult is subject to urogenital infection, and is more commonly treated with Yongdamsagantang. Judging from the above, we can say with fair certainty that Ikkando Medicine has considerable validity to clinical practice, though it should not be pushed too far.
