Korean Journal of Veterinary Research (대한수의학회지)
- Volume 37 Issue 1
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- Pages.137-146
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- 1997
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- 2466-1384(pISSN)
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- 2466-1392(eISSN)
Rapid identification and toxin type analysis of Clostridium perfringens isolated from healthy or diseased stocks with necrotic enteritis in chichen
닭의 괴사성 장염 및 건강 계군에서 분리한 Clostridium perfringens의 신속동정 및 독소형 분석
- Kim, Hong-jib (Miwon Institute of Animal Science) ;
Kang, Mun-il
(College of Veterinary Medicine, Chonnan National University) ;
- Chung, Un-ik (Miwon Institute of Animal Science)
- Received : 1996.05.18
- Published : 1997.03.25
About Clostridium perfringens causing clinically necrotic enteritis or isolated from the intestinal contens of healthy chicken, We examined the usefulness of a rapid identification method by gas-liquid chromatography as well as the types of toxins. For this study, there were used 169 chickens including 116 broilers, 27 layers and 26 breeders which collected from 9 healty flock and 21 diseased flock showing necrotic enteritis. Among them, Cl perfringens was isolated from 30 chickens(17.8%) including 7 breeders(26.9%), 5 layers(18.5%) and 18 broilers(15.5%). Isolation of Cl perfringens was mainly from ceca (100%) and followed by small intestines(70.0%) and livers(16.7%), respectively. Average concentration of the pathogen in intestinal contents was
- Clostridium perfringens;
- gas-liquid chromatography;
- toxin;
- necrotic;
- enteritis;
- antibiotic susceptibility