Grant : 옥천대 중앙대 중.남서부지역에서의 지각진화에 관한 연구
Supported by : 한국과학재단
As a part of the study to know the deep geological structure of the Ogcheon Zone. gravity survey is performed along the survey line of which direction is roughly perpendicular to major faults of the Zone. Recent studies for petrology. geochemistry. and structural geology in south-western Ogcheon Zone are outlined. Raw gravity data are corrected to obtain Bouguer anomalies and the anomalies are interpreted to obtain subsurface structures along the survey line. The subterranean density discontinuities determined from the power spectrum method are appeared at depths of 15.4 km and 2.8 km. It is considered that the depth of 15.4 km indicates the boundary between upper and lower crust. Probably the depth of 2.8 km represents the boundary between upper volcanic formations and granites. Alternatively. the observed Bouguer anomalies are interpreted in terms of lateral density variation model. Finally. the subterranean geological structure to satisfy the Bouguer anomalies is presented through the iterative forward method in which results obtained from surface geological informations and from the inverse method are adopted as an initial model.
Grant : 옥천대 중앙대 중.남서부지역에서의 지각진화에 관한 연구
Supported by : 한국과학재단