Journal of the Korean Society for Heat Treatment (열처리공학회지)
- Volume 10 Issue 2
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- Pages.109-120
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- 1997
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- 1225-1070(pISSN)
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- 2508-4046(eISSN)
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Fe-Si-Mn-P High Strength Steel Sheet Controlled by Cooling Rate
냉각제어된 Fe-Si-Mn-P 고장력 강판의 미세조직 및 기계적성질
- Moon, Won-Jin (Dep. of Mater. Science and Engineering, Nagoya University) ;
- Kim, Ik-Su (Dep. of Mater. Science and Engineering, Nagoya University) ;
- Kang, Chang-Yong (Dep. of Matal. Engineering, Pukyong National University) ;
- Kim, Heon-Ju (Dep. of Matal. Engineering, Pukyong National University) ;
Sung, Jang-Hyun
(Dep. of Matal. Engineering, Dong-A University) ;
- Kim, Ki-Don (Technical Research Laboratories, POSCO)
- 문원진 (명고옥대학 공학부) ;
- 김익수 (명고옥대학 공학부) ;
- 강창용 (부경대학교 공과대학) ;
- 김헌주 (부경대학교 공과대학) ;
(동아대학교 공과대학) ;
- 김기돈 (포항종합제철(주) 기술연구소)
- Published : 1997.06.30
Microstructure and mechanical properties of Fe-Si-Mn-P high strength steel sheet have been investigated by controlling the cooling rate. Bainite and ferrite were obtatined by annealing in the ferrite pluse austenite region, and ferrite and austenite were obtatined after annealing in the fully austenite region. Ferrite and pearlite were obtained when the cooling rate was controlled from the annealing temperature above