한국농업전문학교 설립운영 현황과 발전과제

Present Status and Development Projects of Korea National Agricultural College

  • 발행 : 1997.06.30


The Korea National Agricultural College (KNAC) was established as a special three academic years(six semesters) course by the Presidential Act in July 1995 and opened on March 20, 1997. According to the Act, the students of KNAC are granted free boarding in dormitory, full support of educational expenses, and, after completion, exception in military service and financial support for farming, which is their obligation to do for a double period of the total school year. With these institutional favors KNAC is hight expected to bring up promising young farm managers in Korea. However, actual competitive young farm managers are brought up by the well organized education with emphasis on learning by doing approach. With the relation to the education this study was performed to review and examine present situation of faculty organization, facilities and equipments, curriculum including field training in home land and oversea's counties. This study found out that there were undesirable aspects such as unbalanced faculty members among the departments, lack of practice farm land and limited budget in field training, which should be improved to achieve the objectives of KNAC.
