상대(相對) 습도(濕度)가 토마토의 Ca흡수(吸收)에 미치는 영향(影響)

Effect of Relative Humidity on Calcium Uptake of Tomato Plant

  • 발행 : 1997.06.30


본 실험는 토마토 촉성재배시(促成栽培時) 시설내(施設內) 고습환경(高濕環境)에서 높은 배꼽썩음과(果) 발생(發生)과 근권부의 Ca흡수와의 관련성을 구명하기 위해 수행(遂行)하였다. 1) 가습처리(加濕處理)의 시설내(施設內) 기온(氣溫)은 제습(除濕) 하우스보다 $3.1^{\circ}C$ 낮았고, 상대습도(相對濕度)는 12시경(時傾)에 약(約) 70%로 제습(除濕) 하우스보다 20% 높았다. 2) 근건물중당(根乾物重當) 도관(導管)을 통한 수분유출속도(水分流出速度)는 배꼽썩음과가 23%발생된 가습처리(加濕處理)가 배꼽썩음과(果)가 발생(發生)되지 않은 제습처리(除濕處理)보다 $0.24g{\cdot}g^{-1}{\cdot}h^{-1}$ 빨랐고, Ca, Mg, K, Mn, Zn의 도관유출속도(導管流出速度)도 빨랐다. 3) 도관(導管)의 유출액(流出液)과 수경액(水耕液)의 무기성분농도(無機成分濃度)는 유출액(流出液)의 Ca, Mg, K가 수경액(水耕液)보다 2~4배높고, Mn, Zn은 양액(養液)이 다소높았다. 이상의 결과(結果)를 종합(綜合)하면 토마토 촉성재배시(促成栽培時) 고습(高濕)에의해 배꼽썩음과(果) 발생(發生)이 많은 것은 근권부(根圈部)의 Ca흡수 저해(沮害)보다는 흡수된 Ca의 식물체내(植物體內) 분배(分配)의 장해(障害)라고 생각된다.

The effect of different relative humidity(RH) of atmosphere on the uptake of calcium by tomato plant was investigated through an experiment in the protected cultivation system. The RH regime was imposed by humidifiying by humidifier in one plot, and by mulching the ridge to cut down the evaporation of water to lower the RH, in another plot. During the course of plant growth, RH in the humidified plot, at noon, was about 70%, while in non-humidufied plot, RH was about 50%. The humidification also resulted in the lowering of temperature significantly(by about, $3.1^{\circ}C$). This higher RH of atmosphere under humidifying treatment, resulted in the increase in the water efflux rate of root significantly(greater by 0.24g/g dry root/h than that under mulching treatment). Relatively severe occurrence of blossom end rot(23%) was observed in the humidifying treatment, while no such symptom occurred in mulching plot. The efflux rates of Ca, K and Mg were found to be higher in the humidifying plot. It was also observed that the concentrations of Ca, Mg and K in the xylem solution was 2-4 times higher than that of gydroponic solution. This suggested that the occurrence of blossom end rot, under high RH of atmosphere, would not be due to the decrease in the uptake of Ca per se, by tomato plant, but due to anomalies in the distribution of it within the plant.
