미적분법의 발명을 중심으로 살펴본 과학혁명기의 기하학과 대수학의 관계

  • 김동원 (한국과학기술원 인문사회과학부)
  • 발행 : 1997.12.01


The paper aims to analyse the development of algebra and calculus during the Scientific Revolution. It will argue that the introduction of algebra into the learning world was never smooth but invited struggle with traditional geometry, which is well illustrated in the development of calculus in the 17th century. The paper will also demonstrate that the invention and the acceptance of calculus had been influenced by the need of solving practical problems (e. g., motion) during the century.



  1. The Origins of theInfinitesimal Calculus Margaret E. Baron
  2. Men of mathematics E. T. Bell
  3. The History of the Calculus and Its Conceptual development Carl B. Boyer
  4. A History of Mathematics Carl B. Boyer
  5. The Key to Newton's Dynamics J. Bruce Brackenridge;Mary A. Rossi(Tr.)
  6. The Geometry Rene Descartes;David E. Smith(Tr.);Marcia L. Latham(Tr.)
  7. The Mechanization of the World Picture: Pythagoras to Newton E. J. Dijksterhuis;C. Dikshoorn(Tr.)
  8. Dictionary of Scientific Biography Charles C. Gillispie(ed.)
  9. Mathematics in Western Culture Morris Kline
  10. Die Anfange der algebraischen Denkweise im 17 Jahrhundert, Rete 1 Michael S. Mahoney
  11. The Mathematical Career of Pierre de Fermat Michael S. Mahoney
  12. Infinitesimals and Transcendent Relations: The Mathematics of Motion in the Late Seventeenth Century, Reappraisals of the Scientific Revolution Michael S. Mahoney;David C. Lindberg(ed.);Robert S. Westman(ed.)
  13. Principia Florian Cajori(revised) Isaac Newton;Andrew Motte(Tr.)
  14. History of Mathematics v.2 David E. Smith
  15. A Concise History of Mathematics(4th revised edition) Dirk J. Struik
  16. A Source Book in Mathematics 1200-1800 Dirk J. Struik(ed)
  17. The Mathematical Revolution of the 17th Century, Reason. Experiment and Mysticism in the Scientific Revolution Rene Taton;M. L. Righini Bonelli(ed);W. R. Shea(ed)