무상수리 정책에서 응급수리 적용의 비용분석 모델

Cost Analysis Model for Minimal Repair in Free-Replacement Policy

  • 김재중 (여주전문대학 공업경영과) ;
  • 김원중 (아주대학교 기계산업공학부)
  • 발행 : 1997.08.01


This paper is concerned with cost analysis model in free-replacement policy. The free-replacement policy with minimal repair is considered as follows; in a manufacturer's view point operating unit is periodically replaced, if a failure occurs between minimal repair and periodic maintenance time, unit is remained in a failure condition. Also unit undergoes minimal repair at failures in minimal-repair interval. Then total expected cost is calculated according to the parameter of failure distribution in a view of consumer's. The expected costs are included repair cost and usage cost: operating, fixed, minimal repair and loss cost. Numerical example is shown in which failure time of item has weibull distribution.
