The Relationship between circulation of precipitation and urbanization

생태학적 측면에서 고찰한 빗물 순환체계와 도시화와의 관계

  • 이은희 (서울여자대학교 자연과학대학 원예학과)
  • Published : 1997.01.01


Since the industrial revolution. the growth of cities has been especially apid and the rate of ulbanization has been high. This urban development is encroaching on the natural environment because the cities are developed with not only residential estates, industrial area and buildings but also with infrastructure. The surface area of the city is sealed ,with pavement whereas nature is disturbed and modified. The hydrological cycle in the city is inf1uenced by the change of land use I. e., from forest to agricultural land, talc draining of wetlands and above all the increase of built-up areas. The surface retention and interception of precipitation in the city is reduced. because the surface area is now smooth and solid. The characteristics of the hydrological cycle in the city are increased runoff, reduced evapotranspiration and infiltraction . We have too much faith in technology although it may cause more unforseen problems. We build more river banks and 'emulation dams and straighten rivers and streams in order to protect ourselves from disasters.. However. the results of hose developments are often higher$.$ water levels, the disturbance of aquatic ecosystems and the reduction of biodiversity. Therefore, we should examine problems from the hydrological cycle in cities and study a natural system as close cities to nature as possible. This paper shows the problems caused by the hydrological cycle in the city. The ecology-oriented method and design must be used in order to protect our environment from dicturbance.



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