주제공원 이용자들의 선택행동 추정에 관한 연구 -Nested Logit Model의 적용

A Study on Choice Behavior of Theme Park Visitors - Application of Nested Logit Model -

  • 홍성권 (건국대학교 농과대학 조경과학과)
  • 발행 : 1997.01.01


This study was carried out to identify users' choice behavior of theme parks. overland. Lotte World, Seoul Land, Dreamland and Children's Grand Park were selected as study areas. Both multinomial logic model(MNL), nested logic model(NMNL) and joint logit model wet$.$e test using a choice-based sample collected on study areas. Hausman-McFadden test showed that the MNL is not appropriate because the IIA assumption is violated. To avoid the problematic IIA assumption, the NMNL was tested. It splits similar alternatives into groups and nests separate decisions into hierarchical order to avoid the IIA assumption. Cluster analysis and discriminant analysis were conducted to find applicable nest structures. The inclusive value coefficient was 0.7788. It meant that sufficient condition of this model is met and users' choice behavior can be better understood by NMNL than MNL. The $\rho$2 value and accuracy of prediction of this model were 0.402 and 46.33% , respectively. Several comments were suggested to make the NMNL to be more reliable for future research on users' choice behavior of theme park.



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