The objectives of this study was to test applicability of the theory of planned behavior by Ajzen & Driver(1992), to predicting summer vacation activity participation. Vacations to vist Sock-Cho City in summer were asked to complete a questionaire to measure attitudes, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, and intentions in relation to participating in three vacation activities, at the beach, at the valley, and at the pool. After summer vacation, respondents were called to answer whether or not they had participated in those activities. The results showed that attitudes toward vocation consist of affective and instrumental component Consistent with the theory, attitudes, subjective norms and perceived behavioral control were significant variables in predicting intentions to participate in vacation activites. In addition, intentions and perceived control were influential in predicting vacation activities partication. Althouh the objectives of the study were achived, this application of the theory of planned behavior to Koreans summer vacation participations did not show the same power as the Ajzen & Driver's study(1992) in predicting recreation activties participation. It would be desirable for future research to apply the theory of planned behavior to various recreational settings.