중.북부 및 제주지역에 적합한 사일리지용 옥수수의 우량품종 평가

Ecaluation of Early Maturing and Superior Performance Corn Hybrids for Silage in the Central North and Cheju Regions

  • 발행 : 1997.12.30


Com(Zea mays L.) hybrid is recognized as the principal cmp in a double-cmpping system. Rye(Secale cereale L.), seeded after corn hybrid harvest, is the second crop in the system. Under this forage production system, corn planting is mostly delayed beyond mid-May due to delayed rye harvest on May, but the corn should be harvested until mid-August before the autumn rain started. It is for this reason that early maturing corn hybrids are preferred for silage crops in this system. Twenty eight cultivars of early maturing corn hybrids evaluated in this experiment at three locations (Suweon, Sunghwan and Cheju) for 3 yr(1994-1996) were compared for agronomic characteristics, forage yield and quality. Among the com hybrids tested, DUO1 and GL499 were recommended as the government superior corn hybrids due to their promising agronomic traits, such as short plant and ear heights, adquate dry matter percentage for silage on mid-August, good staygreen along with good lodging and disease resistance, better ear retention, similar yield compared to the control hybrid, Suweon 19 and above average stover quality.
