가정과 교사의 가정교과교육의 일반적 성격에 관한 인식과 관련변인

Recognition of Middle School Home Economics Teachers on Home Economics Education and 1ts Related Variables

  • 발행 : 1997.12.01


The theoretical rationale and basic materials for the improvement of the recognition on home economics teachers are suggested in this study through the close examination of the teacher’s recognition and its related variables. For this study, review of literature and questionnaire survey were performed. As the results, the following may be suggested. 1. There teachers more experienced and non-majored the home economics or those who finished professional course should be reeducated adequately for new direction of home economics education in secondary school and new curriculum. 2. The development of qualification for home economics teacher and the educational system and program for training preliminary should be try to find a solution to improve the new and positive recognition of home economics education in secondary school. 3. The institutional and environmental conditions, such as pay and welfare facilities, should be improved to satisfy home economics teacher with new view of home economics education in secondary school with their duties. 4. The systematic and concrete teaching programs for contents of improving new recognition of home economics education in secondary school, and for promoting positive self-recognition as home economics teacher, and for training the abilities of developing teaching materials and guiding practical techniques should be developed.



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