MEMS의 광통신 및 정보 저장 분야에의 응용

  • 발행 : 1997.10.01




  1. Appl. Phys. Letter v.31 no.8 Micromechanical light modulator array fabricated on silicon K.E Peterson
  2. International Electron Devices Technical Digest Current status of the digital micromirror device(DMD) for projection television applications L.J. Hornbeck
  3. Electronics Letter v.31 no.23 Micro-opto mechanical switch integrated on silicon E. Ollier;P. Labeye;F. Revol
  4. Digest IEEE/LEOS 1996 Summer Topical Meetings Micro-opto mechanical switch integrated on silicon for optical fiber network E. Ollier;P. Labeye;F. Revol
  5. Proc. of The 10th IEEE Micro Electro Mechanical Systems Workshop Vertical mirrors fabricated by RIE for fiber optical switching applications C. Marxer;M.-A. Gretillat;N.F. de Rooij;R. Battig;O. Anthamatten;B. Valk;P. Vogel
  6. Jr. of Micromechanical Systems v.5 no.4 Electrostatic micro torsion mirrors for an optical switch matrix H. Toshiyoshi;Hiroyuki Fujita
  7. Late-news poster session supplemental digest of Solid-State Sensor and Actuator Workshop 3.5Mbit/sec. MARS modulator system performance for FTTH applications J.A. walker;P.P Iannone;W.M. McDonald;R. Ruel;R. Boie;S.C.Arney;N.J.Frigo;D.J.Bishop
  8. Proc. of The 10th IEEE Micro Electro Mechanical Systems Workshop Compact optomechanical switches and their applications in optical communication and testing system Shinji Nagaoka;Yoshio Suzuki
  9. Digest of Technical Papers v.1 MicroJoinery : Micromachined translational stage for optomechanical devices and systems C.Gonzalez;S.D. Collins
  10. Sensors and Actuators v.A53 Micromachined 1 × 2 optical-fiber switch L.A. Field;D.L. Burriesci;P.R. Robrish;R.C. Rubby
  11. Electron Letter. v.31 no.9 Passive alignment of a tapered laser with more than 50% coupling efficiency J.V. Collins(et. al.)
  12. Proc. of IEEE Micro Electro Mechanical Systems Workshop Micro alignment machine for optical coupling Y. Kikuya(et. al.)
  13. Proc. of IEEE Micro Electro Mechanical Systems Workshop Micro-optical components for fiber and integrated optics realized by the LIGA technique M. Gerner(et. al.)
  14. Liquid Crystal Shutter-Optical Head for DVD player with CD Compatibility Technical Digest of International Symposium on Optical Memory and Optical Data Storage M.H.Lee(et al.)
  15. Optical Data Storage v.2338 Dual focus optical head for 0.6mm and 1.2mm disks SPIE Yoshiaki Komma(et al.)
  16. submitted to 11th IEEE Workshop on MEMS which is going to be held in Heidelberg Annular shutter mirror for a DVD player J. Bu;J. Hwang;J. Lee;K. Yang;S. Noh
  17. J. Appl. Phys. v.78 no.12 Imaging of optical and topographical distributions by simultaneous near field scanning optical/atomic force microscopy with a microfabricated photocantilever K. Fukuzawa(et. al.)
  18. Digest of Solid-State Sensor and Actuator Workshop Improved cantilevers for AFM thermomechanical data storage B. Chui(et. al.)
  19. Digest of Solid-State Sensor and Actuator Workshop Electromagnetic MEMS scanning mirrors for holographic data storage R. Miller;G. Burr;Y-C. Tai;D. Psaltis
  20. 電子情報通信學會技術硏究報告 EMD 97-30~44 Prototype of optical switch by micro machine technologies K. Sato;M. Horino;T. Akashi;Y. Aida