여성노인의 심리적 복지와 관련된 개인적 요인 및 세대간 요인에 관한연구

Individual and intergenerational variables related to psychological well-being of elderly females

  • 발행 : 1997.12.01


This research examined the relationships of individual and intergenerational variables with psychological well-being(PWB) of elderly females and the relative significance of the effect of these variables on PWB. Structured interview technique was used to collect data from 202 elderly females in Seoul who were recruited through quota sampling method. Two-way analysis of variance result indicated that interaction effect between aged and the presence of spouse on PWB was existed. Though most variables were significantly correlated with PWB of elderly females results of multiple regression analyses indicated that three variables-self-efficacy self-esteem affectional solidarity with adult children- significantly influenced PWB and three variabels-coresiding with the first son's family satisfaction with pocket money and contact solidarity-approached the significance level to the effect on PWB.



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