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- Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal v.25 no.1 The effects of conflict with mothers-in-law on psychological well-being and marital adjustment of Korean daughters-in-law Chung, H.;Crawford, D. W.;Fischer, J. L.
- Social gerontology: A multidisciplinary perspective Hooyman, N. R.;Kiyak, H. A.
- Journal of Gerontology v.46 no.5 Social Density, stressors, and depression: Gender differences among the block elderly Husaini, B. A.;Moore, S. T.;Castor, R. S.;Neser, W.;Whitten-Srovall, R.;Linn, J. G.;Griffin, D.
- Research on Aging v.17 no.4 The effects of stress, vulnerabiity, and appraisals on the psychological well-being of trhe elderly Kahana, E.;Redmond, C.;Hill, G. J.;lKercher, K.;Kahana, B.;Johnson, J. R.;Young, R.
- Journal of Gerontology v.41 no.4 Social support, stress, and well being among older adults Krause, N.
- Journal of Gerontology v.41 no.5 Strees and coping: Reconceptualizing the role of locus of control beliefs Krause, N.
- Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences v.46 no.2 Stressful events and life satisfaction amongelderly men and women Krause, N.
- Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences v.48 no.6 Stress, social support, and psychological distress among the Chinese elderly Krause, N.;Liang, J.
- Journal of Gerontology v.39 Dimensions of the Life Satisfaction Index A: A structural formulation Liang, J.
- Journal of Gerontology v.40 no.5 A structural integration of the Affect Balance Scale and the Life Satisfaction Index A Liang, J.
- Stress and health among the elderly Loss and stress in aging Pearlin, L. I.;Mullan, J.T.;M. L. Wykle(Eds.);E. Kahana(Eds.);J. Knwal(Eds.)
- Sex Roles v.28 no.3/4 Locus of control life stress, and social networks: Gender differences in the health status of the elderly Pilsuck, M.;Montgomery, M. B.;Parks, S. H.;Acredolo, C.
- Journal of Marriage and the Family v.45 Personal and family adjustment in later life Quinn, W. H.
- Society and adolescent selfimage Rosenberg, M.
- Handbook of marriage and the family The family in later years Treas, J.;Bengtson, V. L.;M. B. Sussman(Eds.);S. K. Steinmetz(Eds.)
- Journal of Gerontology v.46 no.6 The association of age and depression among the dlderly: An epidemiologic exploration Blazer, D.;Burchett, B.;service, C.;George, K