A study on the housewives' perceptions behaviors nd counterplans for the old age

主婦의 老後生活準備意識.行動 및 經濟 對策에 關한 硏究(서울시에 거주하는 30.40대를 중심으로)

  • Published : 1997.09.01


These days the predictable problem of he housewives is the economic poverty if they don't provide for their old age themselves. The purpose of this study is to investigate some influencing factors related to the housewives' perceptions behaviors and counterplans for the old age. There were significnat differences on the preparatory behaviors for the old age according to the enviornmental variables and the buying styles and lifestyles. The receptions and the preparatory behaviors for the old age was shown a positive correlation r=4.2(p<0.01) The most influencial variables on the behaviors of the old age by the housewives were in the order of the behaviors of the old age by the housewives were in the order of the joining pensions the concerns of the counterplans for the old age the timing of the economic counterplans the lmpulsive buying style the pursuit of the information the energefic activity the perceptions of the elderly living the percetions of the elderly occupation and erceptions of the silver industry. The housewives of this study were in difficulties for the economic counterplans for the old age. The most difficult problems were their health and their economic situations.



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