청소년의 적응에 대한 Beavers의 Ssytems 모델의 유용성

The Usefulness of Beavers Systems Model on Adolescent Adjustment

  • 전귀연 (경북대학교 생활과학대학 아동가족학과)
  • 발행 : 1997.03.01


The purpose of this study was to examine the usefulness of Beavers Systems Model on adolescent adjustment. For this study adolescents' perceptions of family health/competence family style and adolescent adjustment were utilized. The 443 subjects were selected randomly from the second grade of middle schools and high schools in the city of Taegu. The instruments of measurement were SFI II State-Trait Anxiety Inventory Depression Scale Self-Esteem Scale and Delinquency Scale. Factor Analysis Cronbach's a, MANOVA and Scheffe test were conducted for the data analysis. The conclusion of this research findings was as follows: There is significant differences I nadolescents' anxiety depression global self-esteem social-peer self esteem property predatory behaviors and school-norm avoidant behaviors by the family functioning types of BSM. Therefore the group classification by BSM was generally useful in evaluating adolescent adjustment.



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