- Proceedings of the 13th ACM Symposium on Operating System Principles v.25 no.5 Designing File Systems for Digital Video and Audio P.V. Rangan;H. M. Vin
- Computer Comm. v.14 no.5 A technological perspective on Multimedia Computing N. G. Davis;J. R. Nicol
- Computer Networks and ISDN systems v.22 System Architecture for a large scale video on demand service W.D. Sincoskie
- IEEE Trans. Computers v.38 no.12 An Evaluation of Multiple-Disk I/O systems A.L.N. Reddy;P. Banerjee
- Fourth Int'l conference on Data Engineering Disk Striping K. Salem;H. Garcia-Molina
- Computer Journal Disk Arrays : High-Performace, High-Reliability Storage Subsystems G.R. Ganger;B.L. Worthington;R.Y. Hou;Y.N. Patt
- Proc. of the 11th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium Scheduling I/O requests with deadlines: A Performance evaluation R. Abbott;H. Garcia-Molina
- Real-Time System Journal Performance Evaluation of Two new disk scheduling algorithms for Real-Time systems S. Chen;J.A. Stankovic
- Proceedings of the International Conference on Multimedia Information Systems '91 Abstractions for continuous media in a network window system D.O. Anderson;R. Govindan;G. Homsy
- KITE Journal v.32-B no.11 Real-Time Storage and Retrieval Techniques for Continuous Media Storage server C.S. Lim
- ACM Trans. on Computer Systems v.11 no.3 Metascheduling for Continuous Media D.P. Anderson
- The 1st Int'l workshop on IEEE Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications A Distributed Buffering Scheme for Continuous Media in Wide Area Networks C.S. Lim;S.C. Kim;J.Y. Lee
- Computer Communication v.15 no.6 Scheduling of bandwidth-constrained multimedia traffic T.D. Little;A. Ghafoor