A design of session management for video conference services

개방형 통신망에서 화상 회의 서비스 세션 관리 설계

  • Published : 1997.11.01


Due to the recent advances in computer technologies and high-speed networks, telecommunication services and provision of multimedia services will be considered a new software architecture adapting networking infrastructure on information networking architecture. In this paper, the video conference services has been selected as a target service example because it is expected to become one of the most important services on the full service network. In fact, it can be viewed as the basis for providing telecommunication services such as video telephony and video conferencing. This paepr presents the prototyping of TINA(Telecommunication Information Networking Architecture) based desktop video conference system using the concepts of session management. The prototyping of deskop video conference system aims at assessing TINA concepts and refinement of the mapping between session graph and connection graph, and provides support of open service platform towards distribution and objected-orientation.

최근 컴퓨터 기술의 발전과 초고속 통신망의 구축으로 컴퓨터 기술과 통신망이 통합되어 통신 인프라(Infrastructure)를 소프트웨어 구조의 시스템으로 적용한 정보 통신망 구조(Information Networking Architecture)위에서 멀티미디어 서비스를 제공하는 연구 활동이 활발히 전개되고 있다. 본 논문에서는 멀티미디어 서비스의 기본이 되는 화상 회의 서비스를 선정하여, 개방형 정보 통신망 구조에 적용하여, 화상 회의 서비스 세션 관리를 객체 모델링 하였으며, 본 개방형 화상 회의 서비스를 통하여 세션 그래프와 연결 그래프간의 매핑 등의 세션 관리 객체 모델링과 개방형 서비스 플랫폼에 대한 기술들을 검증하였다.



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  2. TINA-C Document Service Architecture, Version 1.0/2.0 TINA-C
  3. TINA-C Document Connection Management Architecture TINA-C
  4. TINA-C Document Specification of a Video Conference Service for Validation TINA-C
  5. TINA-C Document Basic Service-Example Usage TINA-C
  6. Computer Networks and ISDN Systems Specification of Mulitiparty Audio and Video Interaction Based on the Reference Model of Open Distributed Processing Valerie Gay;Peter Leydekkers;Rober Huis
  7. ALCATEL Telecomm. Review, 1st Quarter Prototyping TINA based Services-the ALCIN project A. Campos Flores;Lecluse;T. Van Landegem
  8. The Proceedings of ITC-CSCC'97 Desktop Video Conference System Based on Open Networking Architecture Young Seok Shin;Hyun Ju;Byoung Do Ko
  9. 한국통신학회, 하계학술 발표대회 논문집 개방형 통신망에서의 화상 회의 서비스 세션 관리 신영석;오현주
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  12. The Proceedings of ITS 96 Design and Implementation of a Video Conference System for ATM Networks on Distributed Processing Environment Taek Young Nam;Jong Soo Jang;Bong Tae Kim
  13. The Proceeding of TINA 95 Service Management Architecture in TINA-C H. Berndt;L. A. Fuente;P. Graubmann
  14. The Proceeding of ICT 97 A Service Management Architecture Tuncay Saydam;Xavier;Simon Znaty
  15. TINA-C Baseline Document TINA Reference Points Version 3.1 Richard Janson;Laurence Demounem
  16. The Proceeding of APNOMS 97 An Object Management System for Open Distributed Services Young Seok Shin;Sang Beak Lee;Dong Sun Park
  17. 한국통신학회논문지 v.22 no.4 이기종 분산처리 환경상에서의 연결 관리 객체의 정보 공유 신영석;오현주
  18. Orbix 2.0 Programming and Reference Guide IONA Technologies
  19. RACE ACTS, RACE ACTS home page, ACT003.html
  20. IEEE Communications Magazine The TINA Network Resource Model Magnus Lengdell;Juan Pavon;Masai Wakano;Martin Chapman
  21. IEEE Mulimedia Systems The Personal Presence System: A Wide-Area Network Resource for the Real-Time Composition of Multipoint Multimedia Communciations David G. Boyer;Michael E. Lukacs
  22. 3rd AIN 97 논문집 TINA 기반의 원격교육 서비스 설계 변보균;신영석;윤청